Saturday, April 6, 2024

The rest of the day trip to Asheville NC.

 From a few weeks ago...

Street sculpture in downtown Asheville...from the backside. One of these days I'll go around and read the plaque at the base of it, but there were these 2 plaques on my side.

Even with rain, these Bradford Pear blossoms were beautiful...including some little red hearts hanging with them still.

We all did a double take at seeing the fun coloring on this dog, who was eating outside on the covered patio. Black & tan met Blue Tick.

A silly selfie of our threesome at the Laughing Seed restaurant. We proceeded to be a bit silly, drink warm beverages, and eat lovely vegetarian fare. Big thanks for gift certificate!

While my decaf coffee was brewing a fresh pot, my friends enjoyed these pretty little teapots for their hot teas.

One thing Asheville is known for is lots of different restaurants, many catering to specialties.

But here are some more critters that I met on my travels, just so you all get to see more than the one.

Some visitors to my courtyard.

Sharing with Saturday Critters

Today's quote:
"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives."
-Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate (1879-1955)


  1. Replies
    1. I wish I spent more time like this, just wandering around and stopping wherever something was interesting.

  2. ...the street art is wonderful. It's easy to see why Bradfords are so popular!

    1. Thanks, Tom! These trees sure are pretty in early spring.

  3. Cute selfie of the threesome! The Laughing Seed is a cool name for the restaurant. I love the sculpture and all the cute doggies. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  4. A few weeks ago: I take it that blossom time is over.

    1. Yes, those trees are now green. Maybe a few others around will still be blooming, however. I noticed that your comment went into my "is this spam" slot...not hidden away in the spam folder, but not published either. I have no idea why some short comments have this action. Longer ones never seem to.

  5. Sometimes it's fun to be silly. I'm glad you three had a good time. Cute little terriers.


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