Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Just some thoughts

I didn't save the name of a friend who I'm pretty sure shared this...but I wanted to pass it on anyway.


OK,  that's enough with wise words being shared.

I'm dealing with the cough/infected lungs which is keeping me from working at clay studio. At least it's not covid, but it does mean I am frequently tired, and can't walk to the mailbox without getting out of breath. And evenings I sometimes run a fever. 

And the good news is that I already  have an appointment on Friday with the pulmonologist. Hope its good news anyway. He may put me on antibiotics. That's life with this condition. Avoid getting pneumonia!

The clay studio has become something I think I'll have to back out of for a while...and I'm hoping I can get a refund of my monthly fee which I paid for April. Fingers crossed on that score.

So I didn't really have anything interesting to post about. 

I did go to the lunch program today, which meant talking with some folks who are care givers of their elder relations, and some of the elder relations. I'm jealous of one who has still plenty of grey hair on her head, while mine has all turned white. I'm aware one was 94, and one has wet-macular-degeneration and will have a shot in one eye this week to keep it from getting worse. 

As Ram Dass said, we are all just walking each other home.

Today's second quote...or maybe 5th...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



  1. Wonderful quotes and wise words. I hope the medicine helps you to feel better. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by this morning Eileen, while I was sleeping still!

  2. That's the problem with Elements of Place - A Beautiful Place: we need good health and peace of mind to recognise and enjoy it. Hope you will soon be breathing more freely.

    1. Good to hear from you John...I will look forward to seeing a new blog post from you too. You are right on the money about needing good health and peace of mind to enjoy our surroundings. I hope you are well.

  3. Pneumonia is a terrible thing. I hope things improve soon.

    1. I had a pretty good day today, physically at least. But I found I have a bit of mental confusion, which now will bother me more.

  4. Yes, avoid pneumonia...and clay dust...and mould spores...

    1. Oh yes, when I stopped by the studio today they had all the doors open, but I didn't do anything but claim the last dragon and big flower pot I made. I'm not ready to be there again quite yet.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.