Monday, March 11, 2024

Sharing some options

 We have choices in our lives, whether to carry that cloth bag for our groceries, to say no to the plastics that are all available to us.

I've found some like-minded people are interested in this effort, to at least reduce the amount of plastic in our lives...for our own health as well as that of the planet.

Thanks to fellow blogger who gave me this link, a bit of research is now being done about the intake of micro-plastics and our health. We intuitively knew this was not a good thing. (I'll post the article tomorrow for those who can't go to the link.)

Here's another friend's list of companies trying to work with non-plastic products and shipping containers!

But it always needs our help updating it...

Ethical Companies and Products List:  Some Alternatives to Plastic

We’re looking for more suppliers to add to this list and are considering creating a buyer’s collaborative in the effort to avoid the use of plastic as much as possible. Please send names of any other companies that you order from, or know of, to Bette at Please share this draft list with others who may be interested, or have suggestions. It will continue to be a work in progress as we learn more.


ZERO Plastic in products and shipping:


Bestowed Essentials – Eco-friendly home and body products, a neurodivergent-female-veteran-owned company in Oregon. Plastic-free shipping.


Brush with Bamboo – Toothbrushes with biobased, castor oil bristles and silk dental floss. Soft bristles and compostable. Plastic-free shipping.   909.265.4326


Dental Lace – Eco-friendly oral care, silk and plant-based floss, refill floss and glass containers, toothpaste tablets, plastic-free shipping. Based in Maine.


Divine Chocolate, a B Corp company, plastic-free wrapping, first farmer-owned fairtrade chocolate product. Ghana, does not use palm oil.  855.972.0527   


Eco Girl Shop – Wide range of products, plastic-free shipping, woman-owned, based in Massachusetts

email:   413.345.6381   


French Broad Food Co-op – Local and anyone can shop here. You can also join as a member. Member-owned since 1976. They have a lot of unpackaged produce and many bulk items. You can bring your own containers, and they have paper and cellophane bags. They also carry plastic products.

90 Biltmore Ave. Asheville, NC   828.255.7650   


If You Care – No paraffin, petroleum products or toxic coatings on paper snack and sandwich bags, they are home compostable, recycled box, FSC certified paper products. Made in Sweden, importer is Source Atlantique, Englewood Cliffs, NJ   833.642.2180


Life without Plastic – Cotton bags, stainless steel utensils and take-out containers etc. Ships without plastic packaging. B Corp. Canada and US.  Email:    888.898.0369  


Maggie’s Organics – Organic cotton and wool clothing and socks, some are made in NC, and some in India by union workers, fair trade. Still plastic for shipping sometimes, but you can request no plastic shipping –usually they will do that.  800.609.8593    


Not!ce Hair Company (formerly Unwrapped Life) – Shampoo bars and conditioner, plastic free shipping


Package Free – Wide range of products, shampoo and conditioner bars, cleaning and stainless products shipped plastic free, NYC based.


To the Brim – Local refillery, BYO bottles to refill with bath, body and home cleaning products

145 Charlotte Hwy (74)    828.552.3332  

Sow True Seeds Local open-source seed company. 243 Haywood R. Asheville, NC   828.254.0708


Who Gives a Crap –Recycled toilet paper, bamboo, tissues and paper towels. No inks, dyes or plastic. Ships plastic free. B Corp company. Send love letters to: 8605 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 62559 W. Hollywood, CA 90069      


Wisdom Supply – Zero plastic planners, notebooks, recyclable and repairable 3-ring binders. Non-plastic pens and pencils. No plastic in products or shipping. B Corp company based in CA.  info@wisdom   


Zefiro – Non-plastic kitchen, cleaning supplies, personal care, and pets. Chicago based.



LESS Plastic in products and/or shipping:

Country Trading Company – Stainless yogurt maker. Making yogurt saves buying so many plastic yogurt containers and it’s easy with this thermos-like yogurt maker. New Zealand based, sells in US.  484.512.9843   


Dolphin Blue – B corp. Wide range of products and information. An online green general store, but with lots of plastic products also. :(   Richardson, TX   800.932.7715


Dropps – Laundry, dish detergent, brushes and household cleaning products. Pods use PVA or PVOH – polyvinyl alcohol, but is a lot less plastic than a bottle of detergent.


Eartheasy – Garden supplies, home supplies, gifts, gardening and composting advice. Victoria, BC.



Elevate Packaging –Compostable stickers and cellophane bags, also poly products, plant-based plastic, or PLA. Not sure if they use plastic-free shipping.  773.276.4554   


Gardener’s Supply Company – B Corp, 100% employee owned, gardening supplies, they have plastic products also, and am not sure yet whether you can request no-plastic shipping

128 Intervale Road, Burlington, Vermont    1.888.833.1412


Little Seed Farm – Goat milk and botanical skin cream and soap, plastic-free shipping. Some products have plastic lids and bottles. Great goat pictures. Farm is in Tennessee.


Sheets Laundry Club – Laundry sheets, soap and detergent, ships plastic-free. PVA (a fossil fuel) is used in the laundry strips. Mooresville, NC   833.274.3387   


Tru Earth – Laundry strips, there is PVA in the sheets, but this involves a lot less plastic than buying a plastic container of detergent.


Wowe – Silk dental floss, floss is in a little bag made of corn starch, bamboo toothbrushes. Now distributed by Amazon, which typically ships using plastic.


  1. ...this is a complex problem.

    1. To live with less plastic, does seem a good choice to me.

  2. Great information and post, thanks for sharing. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  3. It will be a while, but you will love my post about KAKULAS Sister and Brother! (I think I will post my Perth-time chronological).
    I don´t understand people who use plastic bags when grocery shopping. Even when I was a student (and I am 52 by now!) I used my backpack for that! The sadder to see that many students these days (we live close to the Technical University) buy plastic bags! They bring back their bottles (€0,25 for plastic, €0,15 for glass) and throw it away.

    1. Good observations from your life, though sad in a way. I know my college grandchildren are part of the "throw away" culture. But others in my family do put efforts into recycling.

  4. We are making progress. Our stores have gotten rid of plastic bags. We have a million cloth bags.
    And bamboo toothbrushes, I found some from Canada, which is great.

    1. Oh that's great. Most of my cloth bags are not going to last very long...already the seams are showing some light through the stitching. I need to find bamboo toothbrushes!

  5. Thanks. We need to get more of the big companies on board.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.