Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Less than six degrees of separation


A friend from church's daughter, they are numbers 1 and 2.

The daughter's friend, number 3, gave her information about the need for help for a family in Gaza who were related to her.

Her (daughter's friend's) uncle in the Netherlands (number 4) wrote about his family who were trapped in Gaza (not sure their relationships but at least 4-6 people) thus number 5 in our relationships.

How did I close the gap? They set up a go-fund me, which I contributed just a small amount to. But because of that I was sent details of how the funds were used.

The family in Gaza helped feed 20 other families with the funds. They had hopes of going to Egypt, and were waiting for transportation. I think the funding was helping toward this also. Just a few days ago we received word the family had arrived in Egypt. 

So I was only 5 degrees of separation from that family. Those hungry people, who have had their lives devastated by this awful war....I cannot look at the news any more. I cannot see the smiling politicians barbing at each other or smiling about the wonderful benefits they promise, which are all lies.

I've spent the last 2 years hoping the Ukraine could make a final stand and Russia would give up.

The stupid idiots in Congress who were elected by all kinds of other idiots are sitting on the money that could help Ukrainians. Lives are being lost there every day.

Refugees from other armed conflicts all over the globe are also suffering from lack of food, clean water and medical care.

I'm so grateful to live my comfortable life. Today I helped a neighbor who is in an electric wheelchair by bringing her groceries home from the store, which was not planned in advance. She had also come up short when checking out, so I loaned her enough for the toilet paper, but she was not buying the cat food or paper towels. When I loaded the trunk with her things, another bagger brought out the cat food and paper towels, which someone else in line had paid for. 

She rides her electric chair so fast it's quite dangerous. I guess it has brakes of some kind. But she goes along the street where there are no sidewalks, and heaven help a car that doesn't notice her.

So I unloaded everything into my tote cart and left it outside my door, until she got home. Since there were frozen things I didn't want to leave them in the sun in my car. She appeared about 5 minutes after me, and I took the things in her apartment, right across the courtyard from me. 

Yes, I thought, charity does begin at home.

And now I know that I'm only 5 degrees separated from a family that fled their home in Gaza to Egypt.

Today's quote:

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
Marilyn Monroe


  1. It brings things home, doesn't it

    1. "We're all just walking each other home." Attributed to Ram Dass.

  2. I am happy the family arrived safely in Egypt. Congress is a bit loony right now, I hope the crazies are voted out.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. My hopes also, that this and all wars will find a way to stop soon.

  3. Good jobs you did, to both faraway and near you.
    When the war in Ukraine started we all helped with little things, money, but also medicine etc, one of my colleagues loaded up his van several times and made his way all through to Kiev. It was of no use.
    Smurf Chancellor Scholz refuses to make a deal to get weapons to Ukraine.
    If Putin wins Ukraine, he will not stop.
    Our super-Chancellor must´ve forgotten that parts of Germany belonged to the Sovjet Union once before...
    If your country stops helping... I fear to think about it! Please help your country makes the right choice...
    No matter how many degrees... we are all people!! (Except some...)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.