Saturday, March 16, 2024

Gratitude - for where my food, my sustinance, comes from

 How does our food get from farm to table, or even out of the fields?

Look at one artist's visions that celebrated the food handlers. HERE. Colassal is an art-featuring newsletter which I receive free, though there are subscription versions available.

[Nariso] Martinez’s solo exhibition From These Hands/De Estas Manos at Buffalo AKG Art Museum brings together pieces completed within the past few years, focusing on produce boxes as both collage components and as framing devices for striking portraits. He often portrays his subjects wearing baseball caps and scarves over their faces, which protect them from the elements.

When he was 20 years old, Narsiso Martinez immigrated to the U.S. from Oaxaca, Mexico, with a powerful resolve to learn English and pursue a university education. “I wanted to break the cycle,” he says. “In my family of six siblings, I wanted to be the difference and have a college degree before having my own family.”

At 29, Martinez finished high school, and in 2012, he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts. And while he continued his education in pursuit of an MFA, he began to work seasonally in the apple orchards of eastern Washington state. Drawing from the visual language of produce brands and relationships with people he met on the farms, he developed vivid mixed-media works emphasizing the individuals who perform the labor necessary to fill grocery aisles, restaurants, and refrigerators around the country.

Today's quote:

Darker days are just as much a part of life as are the days graced with sunshine.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.