Friday, February 23, 2024

Dragon-slayer old lady!

 Hiring myself as a house cleaner.

The mold problem has arisen again...this time in the water pitcher with a Britta filter. (Photos over in the Black Mountain blog.) It's kept in the refrigerator, which sometimes lets my yogurt grow mold also, if I'm not digging into it (big container) every other day. I can't very well complain to the management about the refrigerator, since I have a kitchen full of dirty dishes...they'll just think I'm a lousy housekeeper, which I am. WAS. Going to be better!!

So I went out to breakfast this morning (since the 8:30 dental appointment was canceled at 7:30). And decided to pull up my big girl panties and tackle the mold problem, which obviously makes me sick.

It continues in anyplace it ever has matter how much scrubbing or chemicals are used, unless it's killed deep inside and never allowed to get wet again. So...that means daily cleaning (or stoppering) of any of the drains around. Drains grow pink mold coming up from PVC pipes) And the places I can't reach like inside the air handler.

I'm thinking of setting up a schedule, to tackle each area daily, to be the mold avenger in my life. Geese, what a pursuit. But hey, I am the mother of dragon-slayers...and grandmother to some also. So I'll put on a dragon-slayer mask (psychologically.)

Will I have time? Of course I will. I'll trade off one hour of housework to one hour of things I already love to do, like blog, meet friends, work at studio...etc.

So I'm off to spend an hour devising my schedule for the rest of this week!

Whew, not much time left, is there?


  1. ...good luck on the mold patrol.

  2. Did you slay the dragon or clay the dragon? And in keeping with the theme, did you 'mold' the dragon?

    1. THis is the best phrased comment I've read in very appropriate. Did you also write tongue twisters perhaps?

  3. Doing fun things is always better than housework. I hope you are able to slay the mold. Love your dragon!
    Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You're taking on mold like a true dragon-slayer! Tackling household challenges with determination. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures in your new blog post!

    1. Thanks, and welcome to this crazy bunch of commenters, readers and all around caring silly folk!

    2. I also must admit, making the schedule doesn't mean adhering to it!


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