Wednesday, January 31, 2024

just look further through the telescope

 Sharing a wonderful short video (if you like stars that is...) Thanks to another blogger who shared this!!

I did love this decorative puffy coat which had so many cool features a la the 80s. But I let it go and gave it to a thrift shop last week. That was hard. Enough that I even took these photos of it! But I have a new sedate "what-a-81-year-old-woman-should-wear puffy coat". Plain. Dark olive. No iridescence. No faux Chinese characters. No gold threaded braid! I'm closer to the earth now. This coat is for someone who's still among the stars.

"Rollright Stones" 

This is in celebration of my having taken down my Christmas lights. They are on the way to being stored in the big Christmas tub. But hey, there might be some stars shining here too!

Have a great Wednesday...whenever you read this!


  1. Wise quotes, I like the view of the Rollright Stones. Take care, have a great day!

  2. It's tough to let go. Good for you.

    1. Glad you noticed. Funny to keep it this long! Just a coat. Purchased at a thrift store. Going full round.

  3. ...small acts of kindness and love.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.