Monday, January 1, 2024

Happiest of 2024!

 Now to be realistic...

OK, maybe just to start to prepare for a wonderful year, which will take work. Lying back and chilling isn't the theme I see for my friends this year.

I took (a minor) part in the Sunday Service yesterday at UUCSV here in Black Mountain. Our speaker, H. Byron Ballard, did consider what we could look forward to next/this year. Here's the YouTube of the whole service...but the main message is what I hope you might spend some moments looking at. It's rich. Her talk begins at minute 31. The waltzing is at the end!

There are so many more things to consider in this world. For me I'm going back to "Stay Awake, Pay Attention." Then figure out the next right thing to do.

Barbara Rogers


  1. ...I'm going to take each day as it comes.

  2. Tom's reply was perfect. Enjoy each day as it comes. Have a great week!

    1. I did like Bryon's final suggestion, to approach each day with curiosity and a sense of adventure. Which may be what you all are saying.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.