Thursday, January 25, 2024

Early day today

 Have an appointment in Asheville at 10 for occupational therapy to give me some good ideas how to improve hand strength. I'm up early enough to get ready, and though it's pouring rain, I'll figure out how to get dressed for 60 degree rain. While 3 or 4 day's ago it was below freezing all day.

Dream that I awoke with was that I was about to do some kind of performance, wearing some cutesy outfit and having my white hair in ponytails that had black extensions. It looked really weird. I had to get some props and knew my son was in the audience...and he'd sent me some flowers from his garden, but each one I picked up was really lame. Then I saw another bouquet of flowers.

They had been sent in memory of a guy who recently died there (it was a place seniors lived, like an independent living kind of place, but some had nursing care). The guy who'd died had been dancing the week before (soft shoe, ballroom, I don't know which) and had invited this couple to join him. The couple were the ones who sent the bouquet of flowers for him.

(See, my dreams go all over the place. This couple really does attend my church and the senior lunch program, but I've never seen anyone dancing, and I certainly don't do any entertainment in real life!)

Then I found something to use to connect with my son. Maybe I was a magic act. Who knows. Next I was searching for some hair clips to tie up these awful black tresses hanging from my head.

And as I walked by the site manager's office he invited me to stop for a minute. I hoped he had something to help with my hair. He didn't. He said "we're running out of money."

I woke up.

The CPAP turns my mouth into a desert in the morning. I can slowly moisten it with a couple of sips of water. I usually cough a bit too. And then I go make coffee, which wakes the rest of me up.

Good morning to you, as I sip my first cup and read your blogs, the weather report (kind of knew it already) and then finally scroll through Facebook. It's the only social media besides blogs that I read. Newsletters let me know news in email.


  1. I hope the OT will help you. I rarely remember my dreams. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks...I'll report on the OT soon. Dreams are usually just before I wake up.

  2. Whatever you ingested before bedtime ... maybe think again. 😊

    1. I stopped taking vitimins at bedtime, for that very reason. Didn't help. Still having very strange vivid dreams just as I wake up. Good advice though!

  3. Hope the remaining day was pleasant and your next dream will be spectacular.

    1. So far so good. Wet out there. Glad I made it home.

  4. Peculiar dreams! I have them as well. Take care!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.