Sunday, December 10, 2023

Staying at the beach


Our apartment was in the leftmost building, the downstairs 2 BR unit at 10 Beach St., Saint Augustine Beach, FL. The big yellow house was next door, and at the end of the street was the Atlantic Ocean. About 5 houses or a half a block down. At that time (1996-2001) there was a huge rock retaining wall above the ocean level, which meant going down some stairs to get to the ocean itself. I dare say that is still the case.

The Hampton Inn was built right across the street from us, facing Highway A1A. Across from that was the Sunset Grill. Both of these are still in business!

As a matter of fact, the apartment is now next to a huge parking lot for just the Sunset Grill.

Bet that means all kinds of whooping it up in the wee hours, especially in bike week. (That means motorcycles.) Yes, the downstairs bedroom windows on that side are right next to the parking lot, maybe 5 feet away!

Further down A1A going south, there are many places you can drive onto the beach, if it's firm enough.

That day I visited they were only letting 4 wheel drive vehicles go on the beach, but I did find parking and walked onto the snowy sand.

Of course St. Augustine is known for many wonderful sites in the oldest European city in America. It is part of St. Johns County, and that has been cited as having the best schools in Florida this year. My son graduated from high school there. (And being a best school in Florida these days isn't really saying a lot!)

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week...they are in a beach cottage or some such. And I'm a day late because, just because.

Today's quote: 

The flower is always the bud’s undoing. Let go then.


From Christmas past...1912

AND HAPPY HANUKKAH to all my jewish friends, as the fourth CANDLE IS LIT THIS EVENING.


  1. There are very few places in the UK where you can drive on the beach - why would you need to?
    Nice to be reminded of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks; he was a frequent contributor to Thought For The Day, which was on the radio every morning. I often went of to work with his wise words in my mind.

    1. I've liked every quote I've ever come across from Rabbi Sacks. Glad to hear he was on the radio there too! I think it's kind of nice to have one's car on the beach if you're spending a day, rather than hauling cooler, umbrellas, towels etc.

  2. Hello,
    I can not count how many times hubby and I drove down the A1A. I love the beach photos, it would be nice to be there now, avoid the winter. Christmas 1912 is a favorite. Happy Sunday, have a great day and happy week!

    1. It sure does make my memories zing when I look at these old photos. Maybe this winter I'll get some good weather to go down to Florida and try to get my toes wet in the cold Atlantic. Since I haven't been to a nearby beach with warm summer weather for years, I'll take what I can get. I also drove to work on A1A when I lived in Jacksonville and worked in St. Augustine. It's a very pleasant drive if you're not in a hurry.

  3. ...let's banish some of the darkness of the world, amen!

    1. True enough! It may take some of us getting together with other faith traditions to do so. I'm sharing these Menorahs in solidarity with the Israelis who have died and been kept hostage. But I also wish for a cease fire in Gaza. And the Ukraine too!

  4. Wow. Amazing photos. That is scary, the parking lot.

    1. Thanks. I hope I get a chance to take some more sometime soon!

  5. Being at the beach in December would feel very different. :) I love the Rabbi's quote at the end of your post. Absolutly what would save this world if only people would do it!

    1. Yes, December Atlantic waves are just frigid. I agree that Rabbi Sacks was very wise.

  6. That's a fine Christmas tree that begins your post but the one from 1912 is the best! For many years I lived on the Atlantic coast from Virginia Beach to Savannah and got to know most of the beaches in between. But Florida's sands are different with less grit and more fine powder. Footsteps (and maybe car tires too) make a squeak that isn't like other shorelines. I think the seawater tastes different too. Maybe because there are more tropical fish in Florida than crabs and oysters.

    1. I agree, having visited a few of the beaches in Virginia and South Carolina about different qualities of sands, but had to laugh that it's due to the tropical fish!

  7. I tried to make out the date for the picture of the family in the beach chalet. I think it says 1950. I would’ve guessed 1949 or 1950.

  8. The smiles on the faces of those girls by the Christmas tree... ;-) Quite a collection of toys they got there!


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