Thursday, December 14, 2023

So COP28 agreed to "transitioning" away from fossil fuels

(A repost (because it was late getting added yesterday about the COP28 results:)

Catching up on COP28 - It was extended an extra day because not all delegates could agree on wording as to phasing out fossil fuels. This isn't a surprise, considering where the conference was held, an oil rich country. I'm waiting for written news that I can quote. The verbal BBC reports said (on Tues morning) that a lot of the issues haven't been adequately addressed in the final report.

And Wed. morning this was said on NPR:

COP28 president Sultan al-Jaber opened Wednesday's plenary meeting, and within a few minutes announced that agreement had been reached on the main document. "It is a plan that is led by the science,'' al-Jaber said. "It is an enhanced, balanced, but make no mistake, a historic package to accelerate climate action."

Sultan al-Jaber of the United Arab Emirates... celebrates the end of the COP28 climate meeting. The final deal included a modest reference to transitioning away from fossil fuels, which scientists say is crucial to avoid catastrophic warming.  

"It's embarrassing that it took 28 years but now we're finally there. Now it finally seems like the world has acknowledged that we need to move away from fossil [fuels]," said Dan Jørgensen, Denmark's climate minister.

The agreement comes after more than two weeks of contentious negotiations among nearly every country in the world at the United Nations climate conference in Dubai, known as COP28.

The science on climate change is clear. To limit the worst effects of planetary warming – runaway sea level rise, mass extinction of plants and animals, and damaging and deadly wildfires, hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves and floods – the world needs to rapidly reduce its emissions of climate-warming fossil fuels.

In 2015, world leaders agreed to limit warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, and ideally below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), compared to pre-industrial times. Scientists say that warming above 1.5 degrees Celsius would put global food systems at risk, spell the end of most of the world's coral reefs and potentially trigger climate tipping points like the melting of permafrost, which could accelerate warming regardless of other human actions.

The world has already warmed roughly 1.2 degrees Celsius, said Jim Skea, chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in an interview at COP28.

Keeping 1.5 alive, the oft-quoted goal of these climate summits is "still possible – just," Skea said. But, he added, "We continue to emit. So it's becoming harder and harder to imagine that we're going to limit warming at 1.5 degrees and at some point, if we carry on as we are, we'll run out of rope."

One of the biggest breakthroughs of COP28 is that, for the first time, millions of dollars will be directed to developing countries that are already suffering damage from climate change.

For years, developing countries have argued they're paying for devastating impacts that richer nations are largely responsible for. Wealthier countries like the U.S. and those in Europe have historically contributed the biggest share of emissions from fossil fuel use that are causing the planet to heat up. As weather extremes get worse and sea levels rise, developing countries are shouldering the cost of what's known as "loss and damage."

At climate talks a year ago, nations agreed to establish a new loss and damage fund. Now, more than $700 million has been announced for it, most from European countries and $100 million coming from the United Arab Emirates.


Today's quote:

Understanding each other puts a new awareness on what we can and cannot expect and where we need to put boundaries to avoid negative outcomes.

Tonight the eighth candle is lit on the Menorah. It's the last day of Hanukkah.

Winter Solstice is in one week

Christmas is in 11 days


  1. It only took 28years, that is sad. Take care, have a great day!

  2. The only way we will make the 1.5° goal is if we find ways to capture carbon from the air at the same time as lowering pollution. Or, a pandemic could wipe out a significant number of people. That might do it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.