Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Beyond Human Intelligence

Consider what is intelligence.

Listen or read interview (link below) from Emergence Magazine with James Bridle, author of Ways of Being: animals, plants, machines: the search for a planetary intelligence.

I have a hold at the library here to maybe get to read that book. In the meantime, I listened to the interview, though sometimes I had trouble with James' accent. But I do still have a written text of it as well, in the Magazine, Vol. 4. (I wonder if there will be a Vol. 5.)

An Ecological Technology This link will have the audio version as well as written text.

I was particularly interested in his views on Artificial Intelligence.

And as I mentioned in a previous blog, I was reading the book: Eve: How the female body drove 200 million years of human evolution, by Cat Bohannon.  And coincidentally reading the chapter about the brain and intelligence, when I was able to listen to this interview with Bridle which urged me to consider other sources and kinds of intelligence.

The tree intelligence immediately came to mind. Then just the whole of life on earth, sharing together so many interdependent things. 

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