Monday, November 20, 2023

Worldwide opinion on Climate Change

 The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication: Report dated 11.14.23

Excerpts from the report:

"...a new report, International Public Opinion on Climate Change, 2023In partnership with Data for Good at Meta and Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment, we recently conducted a survey investigating public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior among Facebook users in nearly 190 countries and territories worldwide. (Wording varied slightly across countries and territories. Countries in gray were not surveyed.The survey was fielded from August 3 – September 3, 2023."

I was interested in one aspect of this report...the perception in different countries as to whether climate change would be personally harmful to them...

"Overall, respondents in Central and South America perceive greater personal harm from climate change than do respondents elsewhere. Respondents in wealthier areas generally do not perceive climate change as a personal risk, but rather see it as a much greater threat to future generations. This is consistent with our prior studies finding that for many people, climate change is still perceived as a problem distant in time (future generations) and space (e.g., polar bears or other countries – not me or my family)."

This is the subscription address to get the Yale Climate Change Conversation:


  1. ...Barbara, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I loved your comment on someone else's blog, but I cannot remember what or who!
    Ain't old age grand?!


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