Saturday, November 4, 2023

Making myself walk the talk

Today's quote:

Margaret Mitchell said, “The world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business.”

And for some fun for today...

One of nature's amazing creatures which I love!

I think this color is from artificial lights...seahorses aren't pink, but they are tiny! 

 OK a couple of new things on my calendar. 

I'm going to exercise class each Wednesday. The impetus is having a few friends there, and a wonderful 100 year old woman who's mobile and can stretch and march much better than I can. So I need to get to work, eh?

And I am going to the chair yoga class which I loved before COVID. Interesting, for that class I didn't wear my mask last week. But I did to the one with marching in place. Lots more difficulty breathing, but also much more shared air. Mmmm.

So those are two helps for my bones and muscles.

The other one is starting back with my Feldenkrais videos of the class I took last spring as I battled respiratory infections that just about were pneumonia. Many times I left the class early. So I'm very glad that I still have access to the classes as recorded. And I can skip some of the participants questions and sharing, and just follow the instructors. These will be scheduled Sundays.

That leaves a couple of other days to either go for walks with friends (or without) and have medical appointments. I even have a day trip planned just to Asheville in a week with friends.

I will definitely take some off time to clean up apartment, do laundry, and rest and relax! I'm really in the mood to cook, so kitchen will need some attention. Lots of yellow potatoes want to be a soup, and I bought celery to add with the onions. I've got half and half to add at the end. That's ready to go when I get my hands and legs going in that direction.

And update on my dental conditions: got the tooth pulled easily and a temporary bridge put in, so I have a kind of smile. As I was trying to take a before and after selfie, I couldn't make my smile work because of all the Novocain in my numb mouth and lips and even nose. I kept thinking I probably had a runny nose, and would wipe carefully, cause I couldn't really tell where it was. Anyway, the next issue to deal with was the insurance people. The first bill sent to them came back saying I didn't have coverage.

So I waited till I'd had a nice nap with some Tylenol to help the expected pain where the shots went in. There were lots of them too! Then I dutifully called to make sure I had dental coverage. Yes, to the tune of $4000 a year. Well, that has already been used some on the attempts to save that tooth with multiple fillings. So I figured something should help with this new bill. And then I had to find out why their first bill had said no coverage...which meant a long wait to talk to the representative. She just asked for the phone number of the dentist, after I explained the problem. I gave the number to her, and stayed on the call while she made it, and she asked what address the claim had been sent to. It was the one on my card. The representative said, send it to this address instead...and quickly gave it out! That was that. So hope to see that some insurance will cut down the balance. And I go back in 2 weeks to get a permanent bridge installed, and pay whatever balance there may be! glad this is finally happening.  

Today's quote:

Margaret Mitchell said, “The world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business.”

Sharing with Viewing Nature With Eileen...the Saturday's critters.


  1. I have been thinking of downloading a yoga or tai chi class to do at home since we really don't have a convenient class to attend here.

    1. That's a great idea. I had to go to Aville on Fri. so missed my chair yoga class. With bad weather ahead sometime or another in the next 4-5 months, doing exercise at home is a great idea.

  2. Replies
    1. Don't we all! A friend at lunch told me today she'd gone 2.5 miles on her treadmill. We used to walk the 0.55 miles around Lake Tomahawk together. Though the weather is great right not, it's due to be otherwise soon.

  3. Replies
    1. They certainly are...worth going to an aquarium to see live ones!

  4. Lovely seahorse!
    Good work getting out and about. My fall chores still have me going to it!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.