Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Comments on a blog from 2015

Paradigms are Made for Shifting

By Christopher Chase

"Wars happen when human beings hold on to past grievances, identify with tribal loyalties, wish to protect (or acquire) territory or seek revenge. To kill fellow human beings requires a closing of the heart and a compartmentalization of thinking, seeing the world as a battle between “us” and “them.”
The sacredness of life is temporarily forgotten, the core teachings of our spiritual traditions (and the truth that humans are part of one interconnected family) ignored."

See the link HERE.

I read about paradigm shifts in a book by Marilyn Ferguson in the 70s. All through college courses there were people mentioning this. Reading Buckminster Fuller helped me understand how change must occur from outside the area with any problem.

Another blogger shared this wonderful video (also from time past)  “Girl on a Road” by Ferron

Having a gifted cousin who had musical abilities recognized when he was 4 years old, I am so supportive of music and art classes from elementary age up. He now teaches and writes compositions at the University of South Carolina. My three sons were all tested as gifted, and were given the opportunity to have special classes that were geared to their intellects. I don't know if my art enthusiasm represented gifted-ness...I just took art all through school and got my BFA in ceramics, which I loved.

Today's quote:
“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” -- Carrie Fisher


  1. education is often an afterthought.

  2. Art should be deemed essential in school.

  3. STEAM is important these days: STEM are the sciences, but arts are important, as well!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.