Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Organic body cream/warbler/Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine/Emergency Alert System

More photo notes from Beyond Land Acknowledgement" a seminar of Tribal Native peoples given to white citizens who care... (Being posted on Living in Black Mountain blog)

Jamie Marie Spears was the only vendor who came to the seminar (she also sang and played the flute)

I loved this all organic body butter which came in a glass jar with a metal lid! (Hooray no plastic!)

I enjoyed sitting on this patio listening to a pair Red Eyed Vireos talking loudly from above us and in nearby trees...while others had people conversations together!

Someone sitting near me had an app to identify birds by their songs. I just looked on line to download that app for my phone, which I carry everywhere! Now I can at least learn who I'm hearing (birdwise) while I can't always see them!

I can't figure out (this is the limit of my tech skills) how to share a Vireo's speech, but I can give you the link to where it's posted!  I think we listened to these two sharing what's called the complex song. It was most enjoyable!

Now imagine seeing just the head, beak, and chest from 3 stories below the one we could see at the peak of the roof. Photo of Red Eyed Vireo by John Forbes. Searches I do are all through "Duck Duck Go" (not Google)

Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine

The 2023 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Hungarian-born Katalin Karikó and American Drew Weissman for work that enabled the development mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Their work, undertaken at the University of Pennsylvania, made it possible to develop vaccines based on genetic material called messenger RNA.

The scientists discovered that changing a chemical building block of mRNA – substituting pseudouridine for uridine — eliminated an inflammatory side effect that was a barrier to development of this new kind of vaccine.

They published their work 15 years before the COVID pandemic.


And be aware that Wednesday this week...

Be prepared for your mobile phone to go off when FEMA and the FCC conduct a nationwide test of the Wireless Emergency Alert System at about 2:20 p.m. ET. And if you happen to also be watching TV or listening to the radio at that time, you'll get a double dose of alerts. Basically, don't schedule any meetings for that time.


  1. Hello,
    I like the sounds of the Red-eyed Vireo. I will have to remember to turn my sound down during that emergency alert.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. I'm loving the Merlin app on my phone, both audio and visual identification! I now know what's around me (birdwise at least.)

  2. Hi Barbara, I don't think that we see Red-eyed Vireos around here. At least none have been reported to me by my bird watching wife... Congratulations to the scientists and their Nobel Prize! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I'm not a serious birdwatcher. My binoculars don't work worth a hoot. Ha ha, for owls. I do love this new Merlin app on my phone. Just outside my house, with lots of machine noises, it picked up the wren singing and told me what it was.

  3. It is difficult to find anything in glass jars.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.