Friday, October 6, 2023

Clean energy for everyone/Starhawk/Permaculture/new IEA report

Clean energy only works as a climate solution if it is accessible to everyone.  Clean Energy as a Human Right reframes clean energy from a technical solution to a moral imperative.  

As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” 

Rachel Mislivy is our UU Climate Justice contact for the Unitarian Universalists (all over.) She says:

"Over the next several months, you’ll have multiple opportunities to learn more about Clean Energy as a Human Right from some of the organizations who continue to inspire and challenge me to do better, including:


The church affiliation is between any faith based groups. I also have supported the group "Create Climate Justice," a Christian Faith-based group working for positive climate change, and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee which works all over the world with many crisis situations.

I'm admittedly a networker. I can't get out and help in actions anymore, but I do wish to let others know what they might want to do, or at least know about.  

There are others under the umbrella of "Side with Love" working with various UU groups.

I'm most interested in the Nov. 9 program (above). 

Oh, and I found another interesting site last week. 

In this complex moment, how do we build the diverse and welcoming movements we need to bring about social justice and environmental balance?

I will share my observations from permaculture and nature spirituality to show how understanding interconnectedness, in nature and human society, is the key. Acknowledging our basic human needs for safety, belonging, agency and meaning can help us become more skillful at bringing people together, bridging our differences and working more effectively for change.



And here's the recording of this - lots of good information about how to have better groups of common interests.  

And a new post from Katharine Hayhoe last weekend...passes along this information:

By the end of the decade, global fossil fuel emissions will drop to 2015 levels, a new IEA report titled “Net Zero Roadmap” finds.

Based on current progress, they estimate the decline will begin in 2025. “The speed of the roll-out of key clean energy technologies means that the IEA now projects that demand for coal, oil and natural gas will all peak this decade even without any new climate policies,” the report notes. But this year’s record temperatures have shown us the dangers of our current pathway. That means we must still do more, and faster. 
Like what? This year, countries must stop approving new coal plants. (They don’t even make financial sense anymore and they’re huge sources of harmful pollution, too.) By 2025, new oil and gas furnaces must be phased out in favor of heat pumps. And by 2030, electric vehicles must make up some 65 percent of new sales around the planet and installed renewable energy sources have to triple. 

When it comes to climate action, we need everyone’s hand on that giant boulder, including yours, pushing it down the hill as fast as it can go! For more on how to electrify your life, see this newsletter from a few weeks ago.


  1. ...I wish that I was optimistic.

    1. However, you gave us Joy, Joy, Joy this sound a bit optimistic for today at least!

  2. I didn't realize that was Maya's quote! It is a great one.
    Sadly, there are many who refuse to change. I believe the next generation will get it right. I can't tell you how much I have to bite my tongue when visiting my respite clients!!!

  3. I switched my water heater from gas to electric in order to breathe cleaner air in my house. I still have a gas furnace, but it is in the attic. I can’t really afford to switch it unless it breaks down.

  4. Hi Barbara, I hate being negative but I tend to be practical and realistic. "According to the World Resources Institute, almost 1,200 coal-fired power plants are in the planning stages (a capacity of 1.4 million megawatts) and over three-quarters of them are to be built in China and India, where over 500,000 megawatts each are currently planned for construction." With billions of people in those 2 countries needing electricity, coal and natural gas are their only option in the short term. (at least 20 years) Also, heat pumps are OK here in the mid-south but they won't get the job done up north. We have a dual heat pump/propane unit, and the latter kicks in when temperatures drop below 35F.
    Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.