Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Children impacted by climate chaos already

 CNN published that 20,000 children per day were displaced from effects of climate change, according to UNICEF.


"More than 43 million children have been driven from their homes by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires over the six years between 2016 and 2021, according to new data from UNICEF. That works out to 20,000 children displaced every single day due to extreme weather fueled by climate change.

"...East Asia and the Pacific have been particularly affected. In 2020, Cyclone Amphan led to 1.5 million child displacements across India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan. In 2021, Typhoon Rai caused 1.5 million child displacements across the Philippines, Palau and Vietnam.

"By overall numbers of displacements, three countries dominated: the Philippines, India and China, where a total of 23 million children were forced from their homes and schools across the six-year period."

And how many of us think from our privileged position in the west, that "At least those aren't Our Children!"


We're all neighbors on this one green and blue ball of the earth.

Just think of the people we've considered more our neighbors after wars have begun in Israel, and earlier in the Ukraine. 

Those 20,000 children per day are ours. 

When Afghanistan recently had 3 earthquakes, I thought of the refugee families who still have relatives living there. Though they are now new Americans, they still are very connected to their home country. And yet, many people in my own community in North Carolina have been instrumental in their new lives, their safety.

Yes this is how it will happen. The Climate Crisis will hit the poor, those living close to the edges of life, and they will be the first to suffer. We cannot just distance ourselves from them. We are just a day or month or two away from the same circumstances.

I got a kick out of Biden saying on "60 Minutes" the other night, "We are the damn United States of America!" in response to whether we could help Israel. He believes in our might, our power. 

But he's not thinking of using it against the forces that will really undermine our civilization, and may end human existence on this dear earth.


  1. ...the world is going to Hell.

  2. It is chaos indeed, scary times now and ahead. It seems to only get worse. Take care, have a great day!

    1. And helping our neighbors has to be the most important action that each of us can take.

  3. It is crazy. I have to remember the people I know who are kind, peaceful, and loving.

    1. That's a good thing to think of. I have a friend who's an author of Compassionate Civilization...a radical idea which will either come about or not. I kind of doubt it, but it does give me hope. Our neighbors are our first concern and responsibility...and I barely know mine. Would I invite one to stay with me if there was a need? Hard to imagine!

  4. Hi Barbara, Between climate change issues, governments (other than just ours) running amuck and war, migrants are on the move...and like it or not, we will not be able to stop them or the changes they will bring. Our divisive politics will only aggravate our ability to cope with the challenges ahead. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.