Wednesday, September 6, 2023

From yester-year to today

  On Sept 4, 1957 (NOTE THAT DATE)

"Mob rule cannot be allowed to override the decisions of our courts." said President Eisenhower

...when the Arkansas governor had used "the Arkansas National Guard to bar nine black students from entering Central High School in Little Rock. "

In response, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne Division to make sure they could enroll.

Thanks Writer's Almanac newsletter for reminding me.

I do remember this happening...probably seeing it on a black and white TV. A state militia against an Air Force division. All to integrate a high school in Arkansas.

You can just believe what those 9 children must have endured.

Jim Crow was dying a slow and dangerous death. He's still in the final throws in the US south today, just 67 years later. Not to mention the incredible state laws coming out against women's healthcare rights as well!

And what's with the white Christian-Right Cult trying to bully people into their bigoted anti LGBTQ limiting education...nothing should ever be writen, read, or taught about the many times blacks have fought for their rights, the many times LGBTQ people have loved each other without hurting anyone else!

"I can't breathe!"

Never forget George Floyd! This is today folks. What, you've already moved on?

The tRump in chief is leading so many of his ardent cult followers to listen to his lies about the realities in life. There are so many blinders eagerly being pulled over their eyes. Why? Because it lets them hate someone else. Because then they don't have to own their share of responsibility for their personal misfortunes, and it's always easier to blame an outside force. Let them say the Democrats are baby-eating, military/legal manupulators who want to hurt all the people who may have lost jobs during a pandemic. Blame the others and fuel the fires that burn books, cause mobs to hit, shoot or at the least hate anyone in disagreement. 

And it's all based on fear.

Might as well blame it on climate change. Oh wait. They don't believe it's real either!

If you think all Christians support these ideas, you're quite wrong. But how do you tell a Christian who still believes in democratic rule of the land, women's rights, civil rights, and LGBTQ rights from the CHRISTIAN RIGHT CULT? 

I don't know. Perhaps whether they speak of love between all people and really live that way, vs those who speak of hate towards any particular group?

And another sad thing to consider, if you will. Texas inmates suffer more in prisons than airconditioning in many places. A Long Hot Dangerous Summer for Texas Inmates.

And yet another thing.

Field and Fen blog asked us to share the correct map of Ukraine, since Russia is sending out an incorrect version, and doesn't want this one shown!


  1. ...our grandson is a medic with the 101st Airborne Division.

    1. Small world it is. Let's save it for the next generations!

  2. I agree. Our neighbour proudly told us they were fighting the Anglican diocese, who says they should be marrying LGBTQ couples. When JB told her on of our 4 grandies is gay, she said she has nothing against gays, just doesn't want them married in her church. sigh.

    1. ARGH! Don't touch me! I have friends who are gay...and have had them since I knew what that meant...perhaps before, but they were all in the closet at that time. I've sort of got a feeling one grandi is also, but doesn't make a big deal about it. What goes on in people's bedrooms is their business! Just love one another, please...everybody!!

  3. A lot of people who call themselves Christian do not follow the words of Jesus.


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