Thursday, August 10, 2023

Lunch this week


The greens with cran-raisins, Mandarine oranges and sunflower seeds had a dressing, which I poured on after the photo. That's chicken salad too. And a nice ripe tomato with a bit of sea salt.

I thought I couldn't possibly eat it all.  A week ago tomorrow when those fevers started, my appetite was gone. But today I'm feeling much better, no fevers. Just have to pace myself. I do one thing, then rest. Both need to take about the same amount of time for it to balance so I don't feel overwhelmed.

Wheee...things are moving along. That refers to getting my dear gut back to normal...whatever that is. Hope all these meds will be the answer...but you know how hopes for meds are...that and $2 will get you a cup of coffee. Just kidding. I don't like having lots of new chemicals in my body at once. Where's the balance in that?

I hope everyone has a good lunch today!

Today's quote:

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead. 

-Ernest Hemingway, author and journalist, Nobel laureate (1899-1961)


  1. Replies
    1. Tis indeed that! I could have variations on that lunch alost daily!

  2. Your salad look yummy. I hope you are feeling better! Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

    1. I see you also read my Sake Sushi lunchtime post (funny they both got posted the same day!) I'm eating more and more the plant based diet, with some chicken and fish occaisionally.

  3. That looks a disgustingly healthy meal! :)
    Glad you're making a good recovery.

    1. THanks. Well, would you expect me to take a photo of an disgustingly unhealthy meal??

  4. That looks amazing! I hope you get back on track. My ankle is nearly better! :-)

    1. Alright're going to be jumping hoops, and I'll twirl around on my toes. Well, something more stately I imagine!

  5. Barbara, I should have read this post first so I'd know that you're feeling a bit better. That meal looks great...except I can't eat any greens except iceberg lettuce. So many meds and so little time... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. So I have to go for the roughage, and you get to avoid it. Mmm, reminds me of Jack Sprat. Have a great day!

  6. I've found my appetite vanishes if I'm not well.


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