Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Climate Bible

 I just found out this book has now been banned in Florida. 

More reason than ever to read it!

I received mine a few weeks ago, and was busy trying to finish some other climate oriented books. So I could lend them to friends. But yesterday at our Climate Conversation meeting, I showed them my copy, and found out it's banned in Florida.

Not able to find out if Michael was related to the Robert Oppenheimer from the Manhatten Project (and the film currently being shown) But he did write about the beginning of Climate Change.

 One of the charts, showing the last 70 years with CO2 immissions compared to Climate Agreements world wide.

Here's the entire Table of give you a glimpse into how many scientists contributed their expertise, with just a few essays by Greta Thunberg.

I'm a table of contents browser, but for those who read the back cover of it is.

I'm not sure whether people can still purchase books once DeSantis bans them in FL. So if anyone has trouble purchasing one...just let me know. I have relatives in Florida. Not that they'd ever do anything illegal like buying/reading a banned book!

PS...I'm trying to only publish one of my blogs am trying this out, probably not for the first time. If only I didn't have so many opinions!

Today's quote:

I learned long ago that being Lewis Carroll was infinitely more exciting than being Alice. 
-Joyce Carol Oates, writer (b.1938)


  1. You would think that Florida...being on the front line so to speak..would want to know some home truths...

    1. I haven't considered Florida a front line state...wonder what that means anyway? Progressive? I think California, and Colorado perhaps. But Florida has shown more and more conservative qualities especially since DeSantis (deSatan he's called there) has "come to power."

    2. GZ probably means front line as in likely to get hit by hurricanes and floods. They’re already having floods.

    3. Oh, sorry. the politics of FL have kind of overwhelmed my thinking lately!

  2. ...going along with Floridah's banning of things. I found 'The "guns don't kill people" people sure seem to think a book can make you gay!"

  3. The book banning is just crazy to me. How far are they going to go controlling people, what they read and their healthcare. It is like a cult! Take care, have a great day!

    1. There is certainly a scary aspect to banning of books. All you have to do is remember how Nazis did so.

  4. So guns don't kill people but reading a book on scientific findings regarding climate is dangerous?
    I lived in Ireland in the dark times, the 1980s when the catholic church regularly had books and films banned - which were proudly and openly displayed in independent bookshops and other outlets. We called it fascism, and rightly so. Books are no longer banned in Ireland, the catholic church is in free fall, mostly women have seen to that. Keep up your work, we have lots to do.

    1. You said it Sistah! I have skipped (after finishing most of the first section) to the last section of the book (What we need to do now) because it's mostly evidence of all that we already know. The chapter I finished last night is by Margaret Atwood. Interesting views.

  5. We are living in such crazy, dangerous times. I am blown away by the utter insanity of it all. I often wonder who is pulling the strings on all of this? What's their goal?

    1. There are many money makers pulling those string...and they care little for morality I think. If a lying abusive autocrat makes them powerful, they'll certainly swap their needs for their support. It's really scary! But remember there are many more of us than those 1% who have all the money.

  6. Lawrence Krauss has written a book, The Physics of Climate Change. He's too advanced for me, but maybe not for others. You could try it from the library if you were so inclined.

    1. After I get through the hundreds of experts that Greta has amassed here, maybe. Thanks for letting me know about that book!

  7. Banned? Geesh. What a strange country you live in. Let's hope the concerned Floridians (?) - if there are any - can find a way of getting hold of it.

    1. The Texas and Florida rePulsificans have been banning books for the last year. Oh and Tennessee and Kentucky, that I can think of. Started with school libraries, then public ones. Some stores had a special section of "banned books" for sale. Not sure if those were independents or what...and not sure if they were actually in the states with the bans. Yes, many citizens are not in favor of this (most of my family and friends who live in these states!)

  8. Hi Barbara, While I certainly don't agree with book banning in general, there should be an age limit (very young folks) for certain topics inappropriate for their age. Climate change is not one of the couple of topics that should be age limited however. In actuality, given DiSantis approved legislation, Florida's school districts have compiled a list of 350 books that one or more school districts have banned/pulled from their shelves. Per the law, that list will be published at the end of August. The book 'ban' applies to schools and so far, they...and their student's parents...are the one's banning books in school. The bans don't apply to retailers, books by mail, etc. Nevertheless, these actions restrict thought, certainly not a positive action! I wonder how many schools have pulled the Bible from their shelves? Take Care, Big Daddy Dave (now 81!)

  9. Barbara, it's hard to believe that a state thinks banning something accomplishes anything other than making people react, either positively or negatively. I can remember when Catcher in the Rye was banned in some places and that made me want to read it even it I had not been interested before. While I may not read this book, it certainly addresses an important and timely topic.

  10. Also, thank you for your very kind comment about the hospitalized blogger I posted about. Kindness is always welcome, even from those we've never met.


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