Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Short annimated videos explain The Doughnut Hole Model

 Yes, the Doughnut Hole model. 

Animated, 7 ways to think like a 21st Century Economist.

Very short videos through YouTube, with questions and answers about this way to balance societal needs with environmental needs.


And here's where I learned about the need for ongoing conversations about climate change and the efforts of each of us...Greta Thunberg says:

From her book "The Climate Book."


  1. ...in order to see the big picture, one needs to be able to see past the end of one's nose!

    1. When I mentioned in a meeting yesterday, the concept of conversations letting more people know facts, encouraging their own efforts, and that we (thanks to Greta) want a critical mass of people who will demand changes due to the climate crisis..there were raised eyebrows for sure!

  2. Yes, I agree more people need to be aware. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

    1. Yep, it's up to use who are somewhat educated on the situation, to talk with those we might expect to receive our ideas and maybe make some changes in their lives. Saying what we're already doing is a good start.

  3. Too many people avoid facts. Thanks for this.

    1. It can seem overwhelming. There are really a lot of facts to consider! But the best advice I've heard is to discuss one set of facts, and meet other persons in their feelings about them...that the shared feelings help a lot to get to the next step...more facts!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.