Sunday, July 9, 2023

My entertainment and/or education

While I read many non-fiction books, I've enjoyed my streaming TV movies. The other night I re-watched "Babe" with some chuckles still emerging from the viewing. 

Later I tried The Last King of Scotland, thinking I needed to know the worst of humanity. Yes, that's what it was. In small doses, while going to other movies that weren't as violent when I got somewhat excited (which means I have coughing asthma attacks).

The Banger Sister was worth watching straight through (though of course I saw it back about when it came out in 2002). But it must have been on TV with lots of edits out for the various swear words, and some of the details of what groupies did. Goldie Hawn and Susan Sarandon are the tops for any movie, but I never realized how excellent Geofrey Rush was in it as well.

This is one that I just happened upon...nobody recommended it, but I liked it. (I think it's on Prime)

Tom Hanks gives a good performance, with some limitations in that he either is reading newspapers, or driving a wagon most of the time. But there he shows valor in dealing with the difficult times of post Civil War Reconstruction in Texas, which is a subject I am interested in because of all my ancestors who lived through it. 


Another thing

There is scientific evidence that cooking foods in aluminum foil leaches the metal into food at higher amounts than is safe for our bodies to absorb, based on the World Health Organization's acceptable limits. Foods that are high in acid or have added spices seem to absorb aluminum in even greater amounts. 

OK, I can still bake/grill my salmon in foil, just not put the spices on it before cooking.

Today's quote:

 Pablo Picasso said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."


  1. I haven't watched a film in years - decades probably if you don't count the times I went to the cinema to see children's films as part of my work. I think I enjoyed "Paddington" rather more than I thought I would!

    1. That's really amazing to me. Though I do have a friend who gave away her TV and instead looks out at the woods every day. I must seem strange to you, my sitting down most evenings to watch streaming movies and news shows (on a recently purchased TV, after finally dragging my old tube-screen one to a collection point). It's a thing to do before picking up a book to read before going to sleep.

  2. Replies
    1. His personality is not one that I admire, but then there's his art...

  3. Hello,
    The film is new to me! I did not know about aluminum foil not being safe, is there anything that is really safe for us? Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

    1. We need to keep reading the ingredients on labels, and buying organic locally grown produce may help us with safe foods.

  4. Oh dear! I don’t use a lot of aluminum foil but I do drink out of aluminum cans. I’ve tried to replace plastic water bottles with aluminum cans because they are infinitely recyclable. I hope they’re not unhealthy. I believe they are lined with a coating that probably has plastic in it, so I can’t win for losing.

  5. I just went to a movie the other day- the last Indiana Jones film.


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