Wednesday, July 5, 2023

An incredible magazine

 I started getting a weekly newsletter from them, "Emergence." I'd read and sometimes quote the article which was highlighted each week. (Here)

They would talk about leadership training - in Australia. And the by then 4 volumns of the magazine. So I finally bought one, knowing I would share it with others.

What a publication! It's huge, and has full color photos not on slick paper. All the paper feels wonderful to the touch. And it's statement just floored me.

This edition deals with the apocolyptic climate change that is here, and how artists, writers, photographers and journalists see this transformation.

Well, I just per-ordered the Vol 4. edition, and the shipping has gone up by 50%. But the magazine itself is well worth its price.  Maybe I'll find the pennies to purchase Vol. 1 & 2 eventually. However, it's taking me a long wonderful time to read this, cover to cover. 


in case you missed the link to Katharine Hayhoe's talk, here's the info again

 ​I enjoyed hearing this talk by a climate scientist.

"Here is a public talk given on 29th of June 2023 by Canadian climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe at ETH Zurich."

It isn't a youTube video, so the only way I can share it is for you to go to the blog and see the original posting on Interim Arrangements...dated July 1.

Very interesting about moving from emotion of worry to taking action...through conversations!

Here's the link...


  1. Replies
    1. I was surprised to mention it to another person and she said she already gets the magazine. Most other friends hadn't heard of it yet.

  2. Here is a direct link to the talk:

    1. Yay! Thanks so much! Interesting and worth watching!

  3. Here is a direct link to the talk:

  4. On the website of Emergence Magazine you can find short videos and read stories online. Also, they do an amazing podcast to listen to:

    1. Oh yes, I forgot about the podcast. Excellent information!

  5. Isn't that interesting! I might go to the podcast.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.