Saturday, June 3, 2023

My rescued old photos

  At least I hope that if I ever wish to see them again, they will be safely here on Blogger. However I just lost a whole posting on Blogger, and control z wouldn't bring it back.

Though with our world the way it is today, I can only cross my fingers. Sorry the captions were lost with my saving them from my crazy laptop's sending all downloads to an already full Dropbox.

Probably Central Park before it was built. 

The Dahli Lama as he arrived in India escaping the Chinese who invaded Tibet.

In San Franscisco

Living in one room with a dog and stove, looks happy.

Young John Wayne

American Bandstand

Gorge near Taos NM

Massachusetts home of an ancestor

Europeans arriving in Indigenous People's village

Hut of bones, anthropological re-creation.

Some treaty

In early 1900s

Some proud indigenous people


My guess is this is pandemic losses. at least the plan. We know it's not a photo by looking at the shadow cast by the Washington Monument not going away from the sunset.

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week. 


  1. ...the train sure is sleek!

    1. That's exactly why I kept that photo. Can you imagine that trains that look like that zoom around Europe and Japan so much faster than our old creepy noisy ones?

  2. Wonderful post and photos. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I remember following, or at least being aware of, the Dalai Lama’s trek to safety.

  4. What a wonderful selection! Sorry you lost your post. I've done that, too!

    1. And apparently that's why I've got next week's Sepia Saturday prompt up here!

  5. A great selection of historic images - glad we got to see them.

  6. Your photos leave no photo unturned! What an amazing collection. And Adeline & Augusta lead us right into next week's prompt. :)

    1. Sorry, until you told me, I assumed the motorcyclists were this week. Wonder where a week went in my head?

  7. Barbara, this was quite a unique and quite eclectic collection of vintage photos. Kudos to those women who were the first to motorcycle across the US and what were they supposed to wear is not pants? Really, the idiocy of some officials is mind boggling.

  8. Thanks for another kaleidoscope of images. I'm sorry that blogspot lost your uploaded photos. I get frustrated by it too, and often worry over where my work is stored on the internet. I liked the photo of the woman with her dog. I noticed that all her cherished photos were kept pinned to the wall over her dresser.

  9. A tip: For Sepia Saturday I have recently started to first collect the photos I'm thinking of in a separate folder (new subfolder for each post) on my computer, before I put together the post itself in Blogger. For some posts, I've also written/saved the text separately beforehand (especially my translations of letters etc).


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