Friday, June 16, 2023

June sick

 Yesterday I finally gave in, took my temperature when I'd just risen, and it was 100 F. That's a bit high for me, so when the Doc's office opened I called and said cough, runny nose, fever...and I had taken 2 home Covid tests which were negative. With my chronic lung condition, I'd had all kinds of interesting sounds during the night, and I was hoping that my lungs wouldn't clear up the minute I got out to the Doc. He seldom has heard some of the noises they make once I come into his air conditioned exam room.

My Doc has a routine set up so sick covid-possible patients just stay in their car, and a nurse comes out and does a swab for both flu and covid test, and finds out what the matter is.

My nurse was a bit amazed when I had 106 temp. Me too. She asked did I have the heater on in the car. I said no, the AC was on. She took it again and came up with 104. Then I realized I'd sat in a car that had been in the sun by then (12:10) and had only driven it 2 blocks to the Doc's office. So it's quite possible I was having my body temp raised by sitting on a warm seat. But those rosy cheeks are a sure sign that I'm sick.

By the time my Dr. came out to listen to my lungs, he said they sounded a bit cruddy, or something more medical sounding. I got an antibiotic and drove around a bit till the prescription was ready to be picked up at the CVS drive-through.

I then went home and slept the afternoon away, after taking some Tylenol. I woke up later on, had some Tapioca Pudding for lunch, watched some TV, had left-overs for dinner, and then felt ready for early bedtime.

I'm so glad not to be fighting this bug without the drugs. I just hope the antibiotics keep working for me, as I've heard eventually they may not. We shall see if I live that long. Hope not, actually!

Today's quote:

When you let go of trying to get more of what you don’t really need, it frees up oceans of energy to make a difference with what you have.



  1. Take care and hope you will feel better soon.

  2. It should be against the law to get sick in summer. All the best.

  3. was my understanding organ failure occurred at 105.

    1. I can play the piano, never got very far on an organ.

  4. Wow, that is a high temperature. I hope you feel better soon. Take good care, sending well wishes and healing prayers.

  5. Ouch! You are very susceptible to bugs that are constantly with us all. Sorry to hear another one has gotten you. Take care and let the meds work.

  6. Barbara, Sorry that you are sick and suffering a bit. At our age and stage, every infection is more worrisome. In my case, limited lung capacity and Afib certainly make me more vulnerable too. Take Care and HEAL! Big Daddy Dave

  7. Reading this post a week or so late, Barbara, and hope that this lingering cold passes soon. We had similar symptoms and it was time and rest that cured it, so take good care.


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