Monday, June 26, 2023

Computer story

 Well, I had computer issues Sunday afternoon. But they will slowly become manageable, and I hopefully won't go back there again!

My brain wasn't able to deal with a frozen screen, where no mouse control was available, where I couldn't close a thing, where I couldn't even turn the darn thing off.  A few hours later I mentioned this to my son by phone and he said, did you try forced turn off? I guess I'd just pushed the button for a short time, which didn't work. But the 4-5 second push did it. I was glad, because the darn thing was sitting there saying it was trying to download more blog posts.

And so...I called my trusty computer guru who lives just a few blocks away (and charges by the hour of course.) Left a message on her voice mail, and she called back Mon...and I took the laptop over to her "lab."

We looked at how the poor thing only had so much memory, and was trying to load all this, and the Google app was in conflict with the MS app and the Apple app and even the dropbox app was also trying to show how it was the best for everything. What a mess they make, when I have to use all of them differently. She showed me how that doesn't matter, they still want to be in charge, each little spoiled brat.

Then she remembered she'd inserted something else when she'd set up the machine (2 -1/2 years ago) She gave me an extra drive besides the basic drive C which comes with the computer and holds all the programs and files. Data Drive D, come to find out, has like 900 gig memory. And it was completely empty. Somehow I hadn't been saving a thing to it. And C Drive was really overloaded.

So my task this afternoon, having read everyone's blogs already, is to start organizing my files over on Drive D...where they will work much more efficiently. 

Isn't this a nice story with a happy ending?

Today's quote:

A man of courage never needs weapons, but he may need bail. -Lewis Mumford, writer and philosopher (1895-1990)


  1. ...fortunately our son lives down the road and he is my go to guy for computer issues.

    1. All my sons are at least 300 miles down the road! But I'm in the center, sort of!

  2. It's frightening how much we rely on these little machines these days. Glad your story concluded so happily.

    1. I'm pretty happy now, however still dealing with the merging of Apple photos onto the PC. Thus it shall ever be.

  3. Hello,
    I am glad you have a computer whiz living nearby. The extra drive helps with the storage.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. She was surprised to find that extra drive, then realized she'd added it, but somehow forgotten to tell me to use it. Well, she didn't know then what I'd be doing on my laptop. Still a bit to work out.

  4. I can’t upgrade any of my major programs any more due to drive issues. I could reconfigure things, but also think I need a new computer, so why bother.

  5. Barbara, All this computer stuff is Greek to me... Any changes in apps and the newest 'upgrades' tend to lead to major frustration. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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