Thursday, June 8, 2023

Gun Deaths reach highest level ever in 2021

There are mentions of gun restrictive laws by some candidates for office. Find out who would support children's lives over campaign contributions from the NRA. Vote for them. 

 "U.S. gun deaths reached an all time high for a second consecutive year in 2021, according to a study from Johns Hopkins University. The study found firearms violence to be the leading cause of death for children and young adults, especially among Black children and teens."

Actually some people yesterday on TV refuted President Biden when he said guns are the leading cause of death for children now. Here're excerpts from the study released June 6, 2023! 

"The annual study, which relies on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported a total of 48,830 Americans lost their lives to gun violence in 2021. The latest data works out to one gun death every 11 minutes, according U.S. Gun Violence in 2021: An Accounting of a Public Health Crisis.

The report found 26,328 suicides involving a firearm took place in 2021 and 20,958 homicides. The gun suicide rate represented an 8.3% increase from 2020 — the largest one-year increase in more than four decades. The gun homicide rate was up 7.6%.

Further, the gun homicide rate rose 45% from 2019 to 2021, while the rate for homicides not involving a gun rose just 7% in the same period. Likewise, while the rate of suicides by firearm increased 10% over the same period, it was down 8% when looking at suicides by other means.

" ...The report outlines alarming increases of gun homicides among racial and ethnic minorities. From 2019 to 2021, the gun homicide rate increased by 49% for African Americans and 44% for Hispanics/Latinos. That figure rose by 55% among American Indians/Alaska Natives.

In 2021, the deadliest year in U.S. history due to the pandemic, guns also outpaced COVID-19, car crashes and cancers as the leading cause of death among children and teens — most notably among Black children and teens. While there were more suicides than homicides for the general population, nearly two-thirds of gun deaths for children and teens were homicides.

The study points out that the rise in gun deaths coincides with record gun sales.

It also notes that "states with the lowest gun death rates in 2021 have some of the strongest gun violence prevention laws in the country," with someone in Mississippi — with the highest rate of gun violence, according to the study — 10 times more likely to die of gun violence than in Massachusetts, which ranked lowest.

Source: NPR Gun Deaths in US hit the highest level ever in 2021.


  1. It's all totally baffling to those of us living elsewhere - and presumably to most sane people in the USA too.

    1. This is based on the confusion about the constitution here saying we'd not let soldiers stay in our houses (as the "Red Coats" did during our Revolution) and we had a right to bear arms. So the gun lovers won't back down on that. And unfortunately those muzzle loaders aren't the arms that are plowing down humans in massacres.

  2. It is sad those number just creep up and up! Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I'm sad but I'm also mad. This has got to stop!

  3. Oh well! If guns aren’t the leading cause of death among children then it doesn’t matter I guess. Sheesh!

  4. We must pay attention to our politicians and support those who support gun control.

    1. I heard a governor talking about climate change today on the news. Maybe there's some progress possible.


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