Tuesday, May 23, 2023

How much plastic do you use?

The 4Ocean group posted this photo with the caption (or perhaps it was added by another FB person):
"The average person consumes  uses 9 pounds of plastic a month"

. And then what do they do with it?
Lots of comments from those who recycle and know there are also landfills full of "single use plastic."

Just remember each of consumes (and I mean it this time) a credit card's worth of micro plastics in our environment each month. Or was it week? Either way, yuk!

I've removed (donated) the nice fluffy micro-plastic soft blanket, and the coat I thought was so cuddly...not worth giving myself extra micro-fibers in my airways. (Sorry to whoever the recipients were.)

This photo was very small when I copied it...but I love the sentiment!

 Now there's a use of plastic inner-tubes to carry humans along in some water or another...at least not single use plastic, and lots of fun I'm sure!

My personal dismay is that so many of my medical needs are met with plastic devices, often engineered to be used only a few times. I manage to wash my nebulizer inhalers, as well as my CPAP headgear and hoses...in warm soapy water or vinegar water. But I do admit I hate taking the time to do so. But if I don't, I know creepy mold will find a nice damp warm place to live in them. That results in more lung problems...and I go up and down with them. So I fight against mold as well as single-use plastics!

Next job is to take the rest of the houseplants outside (thus removing another source of mold) and repot them. First have to deal with our heavy pollen which has my eyes all swollen and tearless. Dry eyes are no fun! I'm already wearing protective sunglasses that wrap around my face. Going to eye doc again today because of this. I've been using the drops she recommended, without relief. That happens.

So I hope you have a great day, Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

Today's quote:

“If humanity does not opt for integrity we are through completely. It is absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference.”
― Buckminster Fuller


  1. Barbara, Plastics and their recycling or lack there of plus micro plastics are a huge problem that needs to be resolved. I never even thought about medical plastics though. Thinking about it, I have several items around the house that I used after recovery from various medical issues. The good news is that I kept them and have at least been able to reuse some items. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I wonder what would happen if somehow all the plastics in our lives had to be replaced by something else. This interesting conjecture would mean I'm sitting here typing on the little metal connectors, if indeed the rest of the laptop didn't disolve along with the keys.

  2. ...I had blood drawn this morning, they used a lot of plastic.

    1. Yes. Our civilization has been blamed on the industrial revolution back in the 1800's for all our polution, but this plastic revolution is definitely pretty heavy on blame too.

  3. It is awful, the use of plastics.

    1. So today I'm thinking about what we'd do if there were no more plastic. Replace with metal, glass, ceramic, wood, rock, fiber, the possibilities are endless, but not very good.

  4. Replies
    1. Some plastics have become part of our lives that we couldn't live without them.

  5. Plastic seem to always be around. I have a dry eye problem, the pollen only makes it worse.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I got some new drops to lubricate, to add to the ones for allergies. Feeling much better!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.