Sunday, May 28, 2023

Family birthday

 Happy birthday to my first son, Marty!

So he's turning 59.

It's hard for me to believe I have a son beginning his 60th year. 

I had an idea to post photos of his father, and his grandfathers, and his we could tell if he looks anything like any of them.

But my photo albums and processes on this laptop are completely phoey. So my good wishes aren't interested in delving into why I can't copy and paste from one file into another, nor download anything. I really like showing visuals! So I'll try again for his 60th next year.

It's what I enjoy on other people's blogs.

Here he is with his dad on left, grandpa Norm, and grandma Mary. Marty might have been around 2.

This show a different three generations, with Marty on the right!

Will (now 28), Michael (now 37), Doug (now 83), Marty (now 59).

Will and Michael are Marty's sons. Doug is his father. This photo was taken at least two years ago, but I gave their ages as they are today. 

I think there's a likeness between all of them, but I've seen them all at their young ages (like Will and Michael.) 

Dear son...I do wish you a most enjoyable day to celebrate your birth (I was there, remember?) and many many happy returns. It's always neat to have had Mothers Day just a few weeks before yours...and some years your birthday is on Memorial Day, but at least there's almost always a long holiday weekend for you to celebrate YOUR DAY!

Today's quote:

When your real, effortless, joyful grateful nature is realized, it will not be inconsistent with the ordinary activities of life.



  1. ...time flies when you are having fun.

  2. Happy birthday to Marty! Great family photos! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. Happy Birthday to son Marty. They sure do grow up quickly!
    Proge, (son Caleb) will be 52 this year. Sometimes I feel like Yoda, "How you get so big....."
    Suzi (Smartcat), because Google is shutting me out.
    We'll see, grasshopper.......we'll see.....

    1. Yes these dear boys do turn into amazing men, don't they?

  4. Congrats to both son and mother.

    1. Yes indeed, we've both come a long way since the 1964 day of his birth!

  5. It is wonderful to be proud, and happy with adult children. Such a relief to get them to adulthood!

    1. I think that happened without much help from me!

  6. Very Happy Birthday wishes to your son, Marty, and hope he had a wonderful year of celebration because this one only comes by once in a lifetime! Also, enjoyed the family pics from years ago and the blue tint in his it current?

  7. Barbara, Wishing Marty a Happy Birthday. Even though you and I are about the same age, I feel so much younger because my one and only son is 'only' 54! Hope you had a nice Memorial Day. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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