Saturday, May 20, 2023

Clarification of eco terms and a book review to help scientists communicate

 A great amount of information...I'll just give a link in case you are interested TREEHUGGER 

Eco Terms A-Z

From aeroponics to zero waste, Treehugger's comprehensive glossary of environmental words is your guide to sustainability lingo.

This page gives great links to other Treehugger articles that might also be of interest to environmental people  Guide to Sustainable Certificates. 

Beginners guide to plastic free living. and remember the list I posted recently of products using less plastic in their manufacture and shipping. Ethical Products list.

Here's a sample of the A-Z terms...on the site of course they are links.

Book Review - Science Communication in a Crisis: An Insider's Guide - Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group)

What struck me most was this paragraph...

Christopher Reddy has been in the public eye through several significant environmental crises and has learned from painful experience that inadequate or inefficient communication, and the denial of truth and vicious personal attacks, can exact a very heavy toll on a scientist. In this book he has offered ten themes that should be considered as part of an effective response to an environmental crisis, bearing in mind that the message needs to be tailored to the audience - not diluted or diminished, mind you, but appropriate to the people receiving it. A presentation to a homeowners' association, for example, should not be heavy on scientific jargon, accompanied by graphs and statistics. It is important for scientists to recognize that all people do not have the same levels of higher education, or education in the same field, yet they are no less part of the community with an equal stake in the outcome. No one should ever be talked down to. A scientist is also a citizen, no more, no less than a philosopher, a school teacher or a plumber. Successful outcomes benefit all equally.


  1. ...the denial of truth and vicious personal attacks is today game plan.

    1. Oh dear, I'm afraid you're right after somehow we let the orange one do that as a role model for everyone...though it scares me that in their homes, even before that, that was the way they communicated with each other...talking about GOP mainly.

  2. Barbara, Communications...a challenge in many respects and about many issues. Global warming, recycling, the national debt, government, etc. My favorite lately is Artificial Intelligence. Those developing AI 'assume' that most people grasp what it means now and for the future. In reality, most folks are just along 'for the ride' and due to a lack of interest or education, they don't or can't grasp what's coming down the road from AI and what it can and will mean to their lives and jobs...not to mention AI's ability to shape opinion via internet messaging. This communication, understanding and/or caring is also true for our environmental changes. When communications on any topic frighten some folks, that can turn to anger and violence as they feel that their way of life is threatened. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Excellent summary of this life we're in. I am wondering how Congress will address the AI issue now. Watched a bit of the procedings.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.