Friday, April 21, 2023

The gun lobby’s fear mongering is killing our nation’s young people

 Our country’s young people are being traumatized and killed by gun violence.

In Kansas City, 16-year-old Ralph Yarl was shot in the head after ringing the wrong doorbell when trying to pick up his younger siblings. Now, just like our founder Gabby Giffords, he will face a long road of recovery for the rest of his life.

Just days later in upstate New York, 20-year-old Kaylin Gills was shot and killed after she and her friends accidentally turned into the wrong driveway.

These shootings are the product of years and years of gun lobby fear mongering. They’ve peddled their scare tactics and propaganda to promote a worldview in which everyone is the enemy and you have to take up arms against them. Just last week, the NRA held their convention and spread more lies and fear.

We cannot become complacent. This should not and cannot remain the status quo in our country.

Black teens should not have to live with the fear that they will be shot after ringing the wrong doorbell. Young women should not have to be scared for their lives if they drive up the wrong driveway.

Please, continue to stand with us in our fight against the gun lobby as we work towards a future free from gun violence. Our nation’s children, communities, and future generations are depending on us to break the cycle of senseless violence.

- The team at Giffords

SOURCE: the above information is a quote from Giffords PAC.

GIFFORDS PAC works to end gun violence by empowering voters with information and supporting candidates who will fight for safer gun laws. A contribution to GIFFORDS PAC goes directly towards our work to save lives.

It was started and sponsored by Gabby Giffords, a former US Congresswoman  and victim of gun violence.

"Though a moderate on the issue during her time in Congress, Giffords has since become an ardent advocate for gun control. In January 2013, she and her husband launched Americans for Responsible Solutions, a non-profit organization and Super-PAC which later joined with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence to become Giffords. She is married to former Space Shuttle Commander Mark Kelly, a United States senator from Arizona."


This is one of the organizations that I believe can help make a difference in gun control laws, which may indeed save lives. Eventually!


  1. Something could be done, but the politicians care more for money than our young people. Kudos to the Giffords. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, getting politicians to do the right thing has become an amazingly impossible goal.

  2. A young black man came to my door recently. He was delivering a package but had come to the wrong house. I pointed him in the right direction and he thanked me and went on his way. It wasn't till listening to the news that evening that I thought anything more about it.

    1. That young man came to a door where a compassionate person lived. Anyone who shoots someone who is mistaken in delivery, in driveway choice, or just in getting their basketball out of the person's yard is CRAZY. And I don't mean that in the mentally ill way. I mean it to be a person who is governed by fear, led by autocratic un-truths and acting impulsively from emotionality.

  3. I just hope something will be done. Gun culture is horrific. I sure don't get it. This dude trying to create a gun club is from US roots. It is spreading, and it is shocking. I follow K - 12 school shootings as we must bear witness to these crimes. I cannot imagine how first responders are coping.

    1. Oh my, that's another consideration. They are blamed for holding back in the school shooting in Texas. More fear.

  4. In twenty or so years when the kids who have had to grow up with active shooter drills and worse are in a position of political power, I'm curious as to what will happen.

    1. Some classmates of those who have been killed have become adults...and I hope they run for office!

  5. It’s insane that it has got to this point and even more insane that no one will do anything about it.

    1. That's definitely true. Living in this culture is rather difficult if one cares at all about these disastrous situations.

  6. All the hearts going out to families and friends of the victims, all the piles of flowers and tokens and trinkets, all the prayer vigils have not changed anything for the better; have not passed a meaningful law that stops the shootings of innocent young people.

    1. You are right indeed. A grieving needs to happen. But we also need to take our anger to the people who run for office...make waves at the ballot box. The elephants now in Congress don't do anything, and can't be expected to change.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.