Friday, April 28, 2023

Moms Demand Action in OH

March 22, 2023 Ohio Advocacy Day at the Statehouse in Columbus OH

My daughter-in-law is active in this group, front row bending forward on left.

 "We're fed up.

And what are our leaders doing about it?

Well, today gun lobby-backed Republicans in the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing they say was about preventing crime—but instead of meeting at the U.S. Capitol, they turned democracy into a roadshow and held the hearing in New York in a stunt to appease Donald Trump.

Every day more people are killed or wounded by guns. Our kids are being traumatized. Yet gun lobby-backed lawmakers are busy staging political stunts and turning their backs on us. We've had it. Everytown and Moms Demand Action are organizing in communities across the country to demand life-saving action.

We'll never back down from the hard work it will take to end gun violence. But taking on the gun lobby and fighting gun extremism takes a lot of resources. That's why we rely on grassroots donors to keep us going: Donate today to help us take on gun extremism and fight for a future free from gun violence in America >>

Source: Everytown and Mom's Demand Action news posted April 17, 2023 in my in box.

"As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

A gift may qualify you for annual membership in the Action Fund. If you are interested in other ways to give, including making a tax-deductible gift to the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, please click to learn more or call 202.630.8673."

Today's quote:

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free. -Clarence Darrow, lawyer and author (1857-1938)


  1. ...moving politicians is tough work.

    1. I have left that to younger more able bodied individuals...the marches and demonstrations are behind me.

  2. People love their guns, it is so sad. Victims of shootings have no rights. Take care, have a great weekend!

    1. The schools' shootings with automatic weapons say loud and clear, this is a gun problem. To no longer have automatic weapons available to anyone not in a military position is my hope.

  3. I see people posting these types of post without educating themselves...Firstly, I live close to the Texas border. It's extremely dangerous here. I'm a legal conceal carry woman. Secondly, It's NOT the gun that's the PERSON. Find ways to take care of the PERSON with mental illness and the problem will begin to be eradicated. In Britain, machetes are now the big "killer"...and knives...I now question activists' motives...what's behind all this fearmongering.
    Sorry but I'm not convinced less guns =more safety. It's certainly not that way here in Texas. If someone it threatening my family, I have a Constitutional Right to protect them. Stop trying to give away all our hard won freedoms.

    1. Thanks so much for expressing your opinion, which I hear many times from neighbors of mine as well. I happen to want to protect children and groups from automatic weapons...which is my opinion. And as it says at the top of this blog, it is my opinions being expressed here. I doubt very little that I will change your opinion, yet I think you probably feel pretty bad about the school massacres also.

  4. The obsession with guns seems endless.

    1. I'm so sad thinking of all the people who see guns as a means to express their anger or fears...which decimating the lives of others!

  5. Replies
    1. I think she's doing a good effort, perhaps just a drop in a bucket against a huge firestorm.

  6. I don’t agree with your commenter above, Donna. There are people with mental problems in every country, but they don’t have the gun problems as in the US. I am from Europe and we can’t understand why so many people need guns in the US. I was talking with an Italian friend last week and we were talking about that: so far in 2023 there have been 37,040 gun deaths in the US and in Italy? 797. Here in my neighborhood in Nashville, about 2 miles away, a woman bought guns in 5 different shops and went and killed 6 people at the Covenant Elementary school. If she had not been able to buy guns easily those lives would not have been lost. You can’t drive a car without a license or insurance, guns should at least be covered the same way here, at a minimum. The majority of the US population wants sensible gun laws – when I became a US citizen I was told that this is the country of the people, governed by the people, so I can’t understand why these laws can’t be voted on.

    1. The statistic I have for 2023 is 12,367 gun deaths in the US for 2023, (see my blog Not quite as many as you cited, but still pretty darn awful. Damned awful actually! I do like the idea of licensing guns. I like the idea of any laws which limit the ability to have a continuation of the insanity by our government. That's entirely different than the term insanity regarding the mentally ill. Yes, some people do have difficulty controlling their emotions, and they have behavioral problems that need to be addressed...and I'm all for increased mental health treatments and availability of psychiatrists. Our government is not immune to this issue, they are caught in needing the funds provided by the gun lobby to continue their election campaigns. They can't cut off the hand that feeds them. A catch 22 situation...while the public suffers immensely!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.