Monday, April 3, 2023

Felony littering charges

 How to start. A fund raiser for young people who were trying to help by providing food and cocoa to homeless people on Christmas, and were arrested for felony littereing. The Asheville Police were cracking down on homeless people, destroying their meager ownings. The young people weren't interfering, and even had set up a canopy tent to distribute food. The police destroyed it, as well as the water bottles and other food items (a photo was on the evening news.) Now they need money for lawyers and court charges. They are known only as the Aston Park defenders.

The other felony littereing you may have heard of, Arlo Guthry, who sings about it in "Alice's Restaurant." 

So supporters of the efforts of these modern-day civic helpers [defenders], decided to have a fundraiser. 

And a few friends of mine went so I joined them.

I always love listeneing to the Sahara Peace Choir.

Sahara is not named after the desert, but is a melding of the names of the women who were mothers of two ancient lines that became the Jews and Muslims...Sarah and Hagar.

My friend Annelinde Metzner leads the choir, and provides piano back up for a small theatrical group called Play Back Theatre (below.) They take a story from an audience member and then play it back by taking it apart into feeling statements and gestures.

My other musical friend Kim Hughes (Metzo Soprano) sang a song written for the occaision.

Today's quote:
Jane Kenyon said, “Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours.” 


  1. Wow, sounds wrong and horrible. The young people were trying to help out the homeless, I am glad there was a fundraiser to help them out. Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Homeless folks have become a topic of concern from all of us who live around them. No good answers yet.

  2. is about picking your battles.

    1. True enough. These young people thought an outreach for homeless folks might be of assistance. The police thought differently.

  3. I find the police actions disturbing. There had to be a better way.

  4. It just feels that it has become illegal to be poor and to be homeless. Here and there.
    Well done young people for trying

    1. Thanks for supportive message to them. It's really a rock and a hard place for the government people and the people who are suddenly thrust into being homeless and are doing the best they can.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm sure I'll follow the trial, whenever it may happen.

  6. Keep us up to date on it! Just horrid. People just need a hand up.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.