Sunday, February 19, 2023

My Heart's Journey

   Let us be gentle to each other this brief time,

For we shall die in exile far from home,

Where even the flowers can no longer save.

Only the living are healed by love.

May Sarton

I wondered today what my life was like, moving along willy nilly toward my heart attack on May 13, 2020.

Did I have blogs about the month or so before, even photos of myself?

Ha! I even hiked (slowly in stages with lots of stops to catch my breath and take photos) up to Pearson Falls, NC. On

Before starting...hopes of a fun walk.

We made it. Helen who is 3 years older than I am, just took her time too, and we enjoyed talking about all the wildflowers that were left...we were either early or late for them, but we saw a lot. This walk is special in that it shelters lots of wildflowers before the leaves come out in the spring.

Our vegetarian lunches at a barbecue restaurant. I did not have the fried onion rings like Helen...but those French Fries were aiming for my doubt about it. The beans are actually recommended by the Blue Zone author, Dan Buettner. I read his first book describing the people living in small communities in Okanawah, Costa Rica, an island in Greece, Sardinia and Loma Linda, CA as I recovered from my heart attack.

I just stopped at the library and picked up a couple of books about the Blue Zone people...where people live to 100 often, and have many other long-lived people in small communities. One is the cookbook from the 5 identified Blue Zone spots that were in the original book. The other is a Blue Zone challenge, to live like those people for 4 weeks. They may inspire me, especially since I find those French Fries really repulsive today!

...I have never had a heart attack, but I do have heart problems that slow me down. All of my life I've felt that I was 10 foot tall and bulletproof, not anymore.

I think men are expected to be superheros (maybe they wish it too) and often feel so depressed to let their friends and loved one's down. But hey, the heart beats so many times, and we get to do whatever we are capable of...and that's that!

I had thought this would be published on the anniversary of my heart attack...thus gave it the 13th of the month...but ackk, it's Feb 13...and silly. So I'm going to try to add Tom's comment, and my reply, and then forward it to at least today's date!


  1. Hello,
    I am sure you learned many things after your heart attacks, eating healthier is important.
    Exercise is also important, love the waterfall and walk photos. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. I haven't tried that trail yet. Maybe next spring. Dealing with other issues, but of course they're all just part of this package that's me.

  2. Heart attacks run in my uncle's family, so my cousins have to be careful.

    1. After saying I was vegetarian for about 6 months prior to my episode, I was surprised that the plant based diet was much more rigid. Yes family members do seem to be prone to them.

  3. We are being less attracted to sugar and fried foods..they are now a small treat. Perhaps our bodies tell us things we need to listen to?

    1. Good to listen to bodies messages. At my age it frequently says, can I have a nap now? Depends, I say (and not the kind people wear!)

  4. I am confused about the date, but just keep on keepin on, eh?

    1. Yep, posted the thing on Feb. 13, and pulled it, was supposed to be March 13...but since several comments were made, I posted it with them on Feb. 19. You said it, keeping on!

  5. Sounds like island life is healthy.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.