Saturday, December 10, 2022

An Indigenous woman speaks

 Another blogger shared this little video, a TEDx talk. I hope you enjoy it. 


  1. ...Indigenous people for too long haven't had a voice.

  2. I enjoyed this video, thanks for sharing. We all have hope! Have a happy day!

  3. Barbara, Very interesting video and she makes some good points. The problem is that too many people around the world are more interested in power, personal or nationalistic or just self preservation... Generally accepted estimates of the Native American population in North and South America prior to the arrival of the Europeans is around 54 Million. High estimates are roughly double that. Today the US alone has over 331 Million. While some of her suggestions certainly have value and could be adopted in various places, it wouldn't solve the earth's problems. We certainly did treat Native Americans horribly...but then again, so did one conquering nation or group after another throughout history. I do think that much more could be done to help disenfranchised peoples in the USA but it will take a lot of money and sacrifice by the general populace... Possible? Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. Hi Barbara, it's me again... I did want to say that given your comments about reading my posts (lengthy they are) completely probably puts you in a league of your own. I doubt that many folks read all of it but since I enjoy both the research and the process, I can live with it. I do appreciate those like yourself that look at the detail. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. Hello Barbara! Lyla speaks to our knowing, to our hearts and common sense. I am far too cynical at this point to think humans will reckon in the native way to live with earth rather for profit and dominance.We are making a stab at it - returning our yard to nature to feed the bees and butterflies, the birds and most likely the deer but it is a small patch in the big picture. If all neighborhoods did this- no mowers, no weed killer, not dominance, it would be awesome. It would save the planet - however that is not the way it is going and the damage done is so serious it has effected our protective shield which can not be replaced or brought back to health. HOPE is just a four letter word- doing is at least not nothing!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.