Friday, September 16, 2022

Early leaf color

For Skywatch Friday, though not very dramatic! These photos were from Sept 9 and before. By the time I post this, there should be more!  Also giving these to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, which was really yesterday!

Perhaps with a magnifying glass you can see this ornamental pear tree's few colors.

And my lush summer forest of maple trees has one single orange leaf showing already!

I will go looking for more color soon!! But I'm sure my northern blogging friends will share some of their beautiful woods.

Today's quote:

Life beckons us as a flicker. A tendril. A corner of darkness. A bell. A spark of the soul. And curiosity propels us to follow.



  1. Hello,
    We only have bit here and there showing colorful leaves. Some are just turning brown and falling off already. Pretty trees and photos. Have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. I am afraid the browns and falling off will be the majority this year.

  2. Ive seen a bit of tinging too, but mot much yet. It will soon occur apace. And I just purchased some yellow mums yesterday to brighten out frontage since no colour remains form the summer plants.

    1. Same here. When looking at all the colors of mums, I really wanted the cheer of yellow ones.

  3. With the cold temps we had overnight there will be more leaves changing soon. Our peak is said to be Oct 1st this year. Hope to post some more leaf color soon.

  4. ...our dry weather has brought on colors.

    1. And I am hoping you're out there capturing some of it with your camera!

  5. The colors are changing ever so slightly here.

  6. The leaves are starting to change here too. Thank you for reminding me to photograph the tree down the street that's almost all red leaves now. Beautiful fall is on its way!

    1. Great to look forward to your photo of the red foliage!

  7. Replies
    1. And between the first maple leaves that fall and the bareness of branches, it seems to take forever. But if I went away and came back in a month, I'd be surprised at how it looks!

  8. Yes. Fall is approaching slowly in N.C. and here. The sumacs are just turning. Other trees will follow suit soon. Nice job on posting images in your area.

    1. Thanks...I need to look for the sumacs...I love seeing their early colors.

  9. Replies
    1. I need to drive around more to find what else is out there!

  10. There are some trees here that always start early.

  11. we have a bit of early color here as well, but more leaves were turning burnish due to lack of rain. I read that the more rainfall, the more colorful the leaf displays will be each fall.

    Thanks, Barbara, for pointing out the error in the date on my blog post about Sequoia. It has been corrected. You were the only one to notice and comment on that inaccuracy, so good for you and those sharp eyes too!

    1. I do edit a newsletter every month (gosh, she said, blushing). Anyway I heard the opposite, that dry summers meant more color in the fall. So since this summer was pretty wet here, I can check your theory!

  12. Lovely photos of the emerging autumn colors and sky ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

    A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks for the great good wishes. I'll take them and mirror them back to you!

  13. The first colors of fall are exciting.

  14. You do have a lot of color for early September and your longitude. I'm thinking (but what do I know?) that it may be stress and or low water conditions. I'll have to look that up. We are changing also, but it doesn't look like a good leaf peeper season. We'll see.

  15. Barbara, We just got back from a 10 day road trip last night so I'm trying to catch up a bit. Love these old sepia photos. We own a few of of people passed down through the family but many of them aren't labeled...sad because I'm sure that most if not all are family members. I especially love the child in the wicker walker. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  16. Beautiful. I really miss fall in the midwest. Not so many trees that change color here in central Texas, but we will eventually have a few, I hope.


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