Wednesday, August 17, 2022

From full moon to spiders to...

  August Birthday gathering 2022

Friday night moon just past full woke me up where I was in a new bed...but of course the phone camera thought I wanted the clouds rather than the moon...I wanted to go back to bed, so this is what I've got. 

And this was also visible against the well lit clouds at around 2 am! I didn't intend to open the door to try to get a better shot of the moon. No way!

This is the great room where we had rented a cabin (think mansion) for the weekend gathering of most of my family to celebrate the August birthdays!

Many overstuffed couches and chairs, with places for me to put my feet up, though for August we didn't need the fireplace. We did have wonderful weather in the 70s in daytime and 60s at night.

  Upstairs were many well as more downstairs. We only used 10 beds, but somehow the young people kept sleeping on the couches!

Downstairs was a pool table, comfortable conversation seating, and even a massage chair, where your whole body is massaged with air pressures...I didn't try it, but those who did said it was great!

A welcoming entrance.

A back deck looking over trees, with beautiful skies.

Yes I'll have more photos of the places we went!

Today's quote:

In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you. -Mortimer J. Adler, philosopher, educator, and author (28 Dec 1902-2001)


  1. Hello,
    What a beautiful place, it looks like a great place for your family's gathering and birthday celebration. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Apparently they shopped around to find what they thought would be most enjoyable for everyone coming! Good choice I'd say!

  2. Replies
    1. I imagine a whole crew is needed to clean between occupants. There are huge laundry machines too!

  3. I'm surprised you didn't try that massage chair. I sure would have! :-)

    1. I have some neck problems and was afraid it might hurt rather than help.

  4. Yeah, that ain’t no cabin. Wow!

  5. What a great place for a family gaathering!

    1. I was so honored by their coming to visit here...and finding such a great place to stay!

  6. What a beautiful cabin to celebrate the August birthdays.

    1. It was a great setting to have family memories of our gathering!

  7. Replies
    1. I'm so glad they chose that cabin/mansion! They did a lot of prep work on line before making this choice.

  8. It looks like a wonderful place for a celebration. Very grand indeed.


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