Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Finally the big 80

 I was preceded in celebration by Big Daddy Dave over in Tennessee. That's just fine. I've had more celebrations that I could have imagined possible.

The weekend that I will never forget in the woods near Lake Lure and Old Fort...in the mansion/cabin...and with most of my family! What a treat which I hope they will cherish as much as I do.

Standing Rock Falls...which had upper falls and lower falls. I managed down the stairs and back to upper falls, and let the hiking younger family members go down to lower falls. (As already covered in a previous post!)

Custards setting which became Crème brulee! (fun when the portable flame thrower needed more gas, so they were all put under the boiler and came out great!)

M. at the end of the table had a birthday in Oct...so he raised his hand as the last annual birthday of the group. They each had a birthday card from me to celebrate together by having fun!

Me and the crystals!

The whole gang, when I took the pic. so Kendra is in it...

A fun fast card game of as many players playing double sol as you've got decks! I think it's called Nerts!
One of the fabulous cooks that weekend, as well as the only daughter-in-law who could come. I was so glad to have time with her! My three sons honored my request that I wouldn't prepare any meals. I just bought the groceries, since I lived in the area! I admit they had two more grocery trips after we were found to be missing some of the things I bought and forgot in my fridge. Hey I'm an elder, I can forget things!

My three sons, and my grandkids (most of them). Kendra took this photo.

Today's quote:

You know why trees smell the way they do?” Murphy asked, looking up. “Sap?” Logan guessed. “Chlorophyll?”

Murphy shook her head. “Stars. Trees breathe in starlight year after year, and it goes deep into their bones. So when you cut a tree open, you smell a hundred years worth of light. Ancient starlight that took millions of years to reach Earth. That’s why trees smell so beautiful and old."

—Frances O’Roark Dowell


  1. ...it's great to get the whole gang together.

    1. I am always flabbergasted by the family gatherings.

  2. Hello,
    You have a beautiful family. It is great you all have happy memories from your gathering at the cabin. Take care, have a great day!

    1. We have created a shared photo album too...since everyone was clicking photos all the time! Lots of fun too. Wonderful memories! Happy Tuesday to you!

  3. A cracking good get together!!

  4. Hi, Suzi here, Google is still being strange.
    Happy Birthday! Wish I could be there to sing in person!
    With the joyful way you post I know you will celebrate all those Unbirthdays!
    We women of a certain age should celebrate whenever we wish!
    Your family get together was a lovely way to celebrate birthdays, life, love, and the world in general!

    1. So glad to know it's you! I like the idea of celebrating a bunch of unbirthdays too!

  5. How unforgettable! Happy Belated once again. 🎂

    1. Today is actually the day my mom pushed me into the world!

  6. What a great gathering of family. Important to keep those connections fresh.

    1. I want to stay connected better. It's so easy with screens to kind of forget the real people in our lives.

  7. A great way to celebrate your birthday with your family around you....and not having to cook either, was a bonus :)

    1. That was certainly a bonus...whenever I showed up in the kitchen they came up with excuses to get me out!

  8. A fine way to celebrate your 80th! Also, I love the quote.

    1. Thanks - me too, and I have a lot near my apartment that was just cleared...one big tree was left last night, but it went today. Perhaps because the little bobcat couldn't push it over. I'm always sad to see old trees go.

  9. A truly lovely and loving way to celebrate your 80th birthday!

    1. I have long relished how other family members (and bloggers) celebrate for a whole month! Sounds good to me!

  10. Happy birthday. This really looked like fun!

    1. Thank you...it really was good for all of us to spend time together. Nothing too serious. Just fun.


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