Wednesday, July 27, 2022

What image do you have of a powerful woman?

 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult to each other? -George Eliot (pen name of Mary Ann Evans), novelist (22 Nov 1819-22 Dec 1880)

Here I'm changing focus (from the environment) to look at another kind of people!

Margaret Atwood

Politics or business or entertainment?

The Spice Girls

And I'm adding this image at the last Indigenous woman who sang in her language to the Pope, who had just been given a chief's headdress after he apologized for all the deaths in the indigenous schools. Many Indigenous people thought he should not have been given that honor at all.

OK women... did you know about Equal Pay Day, which marks how far into the new year women must work to be paid what men received the previous year?
On average, U.S. women across all professions make 83 cents to a man's dollar of income; thus, Equal Pay Day for all women is usually in March.

Equal Pay Day for minority women comes even later in the year. For Black women, it will take place on September 21, 2022 (58 cents for each dollar paid to white men). Native Women's Equal Pay Day will take place on November 30, 2022 (50 cents). Latina Equal Pay Day falls on December 8 this year (49 cents).
SOURCE: MedPageToday

I bring these images to you, and ask for your own sense of what a powerful woman looks like. I just want to know how our daughters and granddaughters have role models these days!

And never fear, men, for tomorrow I'll consider what powerful men look like.


  1. Hello,
    I hope all the women are heading to the polls! Great post. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Well, my reply disappeared. I agreed. Our votes are so important this year. And I wish you a happy hump day Eileen.

  2. paternal grandmother was a powerful woman. She raised my father during the depression after my grandfather died.

  3. That is so great to hear of your grandmother, indeed a powerful woman!

  4. Being in education, pay was always equal. So were opportunities, at least after awhile. There were quite a few women in administration by the time I left. My last principal was a woman, and we always also had a female veep or two by then.

    1. Good, I do think the US should pay more attention to Canada's policies!

  5. Love seeing these photos of powerful women. it's great to be reminded. Thank you.

    1. There are so many more I thought of after posting these!

  6. My wife is a powerful woman and I am very proud of her.

  7. If all eligible women register and vote this fall -- THAT will be real power!

    Aside from that, I love Rosie the Riveter. At a time when women were relegated to homemaker status, they saw the need and stepped up to do the "man's work" that needed to be done. Resilient, strong, versatile, determined.

    1. Oops, that was me, SusanR at Pied Type

    2. Hi SusanR at Pied Type who came Anonymously! That's such a wonderful idea. No reason to not think that all eligible women would register and vote. THanks for your comment here!

  8. I hope November sends a hard message to the GOP and their hangers on.

    1. We might want to start celebrating in their faces!

  9. There are several women in this group who are not among my favorites, but not sure how some younger women would react.


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