Friday, July 22, 2022

Various thoughts from this week


Shared by one of my athletic granddaughters...try to keep up!

Painting: 'Mary Magdalene' by Cassandra Barney

 I must mention that many friends of mine will be celebrating today as the feast day for Mary Magdalen...who was never a prostitute even though Pope Gregory called her one. I won't go into Biblical or Gnostic teachings, because I'm a complete novice. But I do like the story of Jesus' favorite disciple, Mary Magdalen.

So a day without any schedules, just doing whatever came next into my mind to do...and a call came from a friend who had left her truck at a repair place yesterday when I drove her back home. Now she needed to go pick up her pickup (sorry.) And she was very worried that we wouldn't get there in time for their closing, though I didn't remember her saying we needed to be there by any time, just that she said let's get there around 5. So she was not happy that it was already 5 of 5 when we hadn't gotten there yet, and she couldn't reach them by phone. Had they closed early? She kept trying, and finally got through to someone, who said they'd leave the key under the matt. So we arrived, truck key was in place, and my friend was happy (there had been nothing wrong with the truck according to mechanics.)

She invited me to dinner and we went into east Asheville, to a new-to-me Pakistani restaurant, Biryani Express. This (above) is the view out the restaurant windows. It's in a strip mall near Kohl's store. Oh, and we had a deluge of a thunderstorm just as we arrived, so we kind of were baptized when getting out of the car.

That restaurant had a long list of vegetarian dishes...and spices would be ordered as mild, medium or hot. We both chose mild, and mine really was...but my friend's had a bit of a kick to it. There was lamb, beef, shrimp and chicken also. And we forgot to order Nan, though we did remember to have Samosas before the meal.  We were almost though eating when we ordered Nan, and ended up taking some home, as well as another meal of the wonderful food!

These two pots of begonias are by the entrance to the office at Blue Ridge apartments.

And this is the view from that office entrance, looking towards some of the apartment buildings
For Skywatch Friday,


  1. ...I have three granddaughters and I have a difficult keeping up. I have a couple of begonias like your in pots and they growing well too!

    1. Ha ha...begonias and granddaughters in common! Who'd have thunk it!

  2. The flowers are lovely. It is nice to try new restaurants and different food. Pretty sky shot.
    Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. Thanks...I always love flowers. I posted a reply a minute ago and it didn't get this time let's hope. Wishing you also a good weekend!

  3. Wonderful tee shirt. I certrainly can't keep up with my granddaughter anymore, but I do try!

    1. Great that you try...and I'm sure granddaughter appreciates the efforts.

  4. For whatever reason, I would be leery of a restaurant in a strip mall, but that is probably because I live in a town without them. Also, most of the restaurants that I can easily think of in the city (outskirts) are in agglomerations of sorts. But you had a good experience, so I must shed my preconceptions.

    1. Many foreign food restaurants are in strip malls in the US. Often Chinese, Japanese, Indian, that come to mind not only here but in FL also. Hope you find these nice "hole in the wall" places with tasty dishes to your liking. (It's always good to check out internet comments and how many stars too!)

  5. Really nice of you to take your friend to pick up her car and then go out to dinner. I had forgotten all about Naan until you mentioned it. Yum!

    1. Well, my computer was happy with my misspelling of Naan. Just another lapse. But I do enjoy it in restaurants. Not so much the kind you buy and take home and heat up. Those always disappoint.

  6. Speaking of Naan I've tried to make it and it was too thick. I'd like to eat out more but find food too salty.

    1. I haven't noticed salt in Indian or Pakistani foods...probably because there are so many spices! I wouldn't try to make Naan...I think the trick is the very hot oven that restaurants can have.

  7. Nan or naan seem to be acceptable alternatives for the spelling of the wonderful bread. A good samosa is a rare treat; I'll bet that Mary Magdalen would have enjoyed them.

    1. Ha ha ha...Mary M eating samosa and naan...what a great chuckle you gave me. Since the theories of my Magdelen followers say she ended up in France, she probably got to eat whatever foods southern France offered...probably some great wine and cheeses!

  8. So your good deed resulted in a good meal (or two.)

    1. Which was really above and beyond the good deed, but I'm not saying there's a scale anywhere!

  9. The t-shirt was a cute one and most likely something our 11-year old granddaughter would wear as well.Glad you and friend made it in time for the pick up pickup (couldn't resist, Barbara). I have never tried a Pakistan restaurant, only Indian which was really not to my preference. That said, I do like nan.

  10. Ah ha...another granddaughter with whom we grands can't quite keep up with! I was reading another blog about barbecue, which I seldom eat. At least all these Indian and Pakistani restaurants have great vegetarian dishes! But mashed eggplant, no thanks!

  11. I've never had Pakistani food. I wonder how different it is from Indian food? We tried Vietnamese food in Miami, and I have to say I was not impressed. Very big chunky pieces of veggies in a thin broth. Too much trouble to eat, and not tasty enough for the trouble. But my daughter-in-law's appetizer tray looked delicious so I'll try again.

    1. I found the two dishes I've tried do remind me of Indian food. Would you believe I went back today and had another kind? This one was not as good as the first one...too much rice. The Thai food has been very pleasing for me. I've only had Vietnamese food once. It was ok.

  12. Beautiful painting, and I like that shirt.

    1. Of all the paintings I've seen of Mary Magdalen, this is my favorite.

  13. Replies
    1. Welcome to my comments...we do say the darndest things!


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