Friday, July 8, 2022

I've looked at clouds from both sides now

"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs."

 -Daniel J Boorstin, historian, professor, attorney, and writer (1 Oct 1914-2004) 

For Skywatch Friday...

June 13, 2022 taken near Sylva, NC

June 25 being renovated...downtown Black Mountain NC

May 7, downtown Black Mountain

June 15 lunar eclipse...which my phone camera couldn't capture!

Then there were delightful clouds on July 4 around 9:00 pm...before fireworks for which I was already inside and didn't try to see.

My panorama of the neighborhood...maybe a super car in the foreground!

On the Supreme Court decision of June 24, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, in which the Supreme Court denied women the constitutional liberty to control their reproductive choices, there's been recent a Pew Survey showing how much support it really has. See Pew Research Center, Majority in U.S. Disapprove of Supreme Court Abortion Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade.

One chart in the Pew survey shows that 50% or more of the following groups oppose the ruling in Dobbs: Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics; every age group from 18 to 65+; every educational level from “some high school” to postgraduate; Catholics, non-evangelical white Protestants, and Black Protestants; and married and unmarried people. The only demographic group that favors Dobbs by more than 50% is white evangelical Christians.

And the leading law firms in America? 

Many of America’s elite law firms looked the other way as their male partners lobbied to rescind the constitutional rights of their women partners. The women partners in those firms are now speaking in unison to defend the rights of all women. More than 2,500 women partners in major law firms have signed a call to action. See The American LawyerMore Than 2,650 Women Partners From 190 Firms Issue Call to Action Post-'Dobbs'.

The statement reads, in part,

          We swore oaths to support and defend the Constitution. We take that oath seriously. We know that our ability to serve in the legal profession and swear that oath was hard fought and rests fundamentally on the premise and promise that we, as women and people who have or had the potential to become pregnant, are free and equal citizens under the law. 

          The Court has failed to uphold the promise at the very core of the Constitution: the promise of liberty and dispassionate, fair and equal treatment for all under law.

        We cannot let that failure stand.

These quotes are from a newsletter by Robert Hubble which I just had recommended to me by a very astute and active promoter of the ERA, my friend Roberta Madden. Just thought I'd share these comments here.


  1. Replies
    1. It's fun to scan through photos to find skies I liked!

  2. Hello,
    I would have never thought we would be going back in time with Women's rights. It is so wrong!
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Have a great weekend yourself, Eileen. I am one of many who are waiting for things to balance back out again. And maybe pushing a bit too.

  3. this moment I would rather just look up at the sky!

  4. That’s a good collection of skies. As for the other thing, I despair in the present but some things give me some hope

    1. I'm glad to hear of any hopefulness! Thank you for commenting so regularly!

  5. Great skies! I can echo what Tom said.

    1. There is much to be accomplished in this world, so stopping to smell the roses (of any genre) is certainly a good idea.

  6. Replies
    1. I wasn't able to catch the beginning. Sitting here at computer I have to remember to look out more often!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Robin. I know very little about the clouds up there. Kind of forgot what I learned in science class way back when. So I just go for beauty!

  8. Beautiful skies!!
    Here in Oklahoma, contending for the reddest of the red states, mainly, most people want some form of abortion available. But we have numerous trigger laws against abortion that are now in effect. But I read this morning that in the Republican primary only about 30% of registered voters voted. Until people get moved to throw out the fools who get elected by the extremists, who come out strong every election, then we'll see continued erosion of liberties.

    1. That's just the problem, get rid of the extremists. If you know how, please let me know!

  9. Those are some amazing sky pictures. I am too old to get pregnant now, but it doesn't make me feel any better about the loss of this essential healthcare for women. Another sign that the US is in decline. :-(

    1. Thanks DJan...I am amazed that half the population has now lost autonomy over their bodies.

  10. Wonderful quote. Really makes me think. You didn't capture the eclipse, but a beautiful night photo nonetheless!

    1. Thanks so much...I enjoy sharing both, quotes and photos! One for the mind and one for the heart.

  11. Barbara, Great cloud photos! We didn't go out to see any fireworks either. I like watching them but my better half doesn't... As for the Supreme Court, while I am a moderate conservative, I am concerned with their legal trajectory. Extremists on both sides are unwilling to compromise, leaving more moderate voters stuck in the middle with no clear choices. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I agree that politically there has become a great divide. It makes me sad.

  12. What a lovely purple sunset. We stayed home and watched fireworks on TV - not battling that traffic any more in our senior years. The Supreme Court decision is scary, as I remember the days before Roe all too well. And now we have the technology to monitor women's travel, Internet searches, and their monthly cycles, just for starters.

  13. Sitting here typing in a google account, sending this through google Chrome, and knowing key words are probably being stacked under my name, I'm aware that big brother has arrived. It makes me sad, but I'm not going to stop being who I am, and sharing with others my thoughts, as long as we have free speech!

  14. I really enjoyed seeing the small towns in NC. Skies posted are beautiful. I was in an alley trying to convince my high school girl friend NOT go have an abortion. This was before Wade and Roe. She chose to have the baby put up for adoption instead. Wade and Roe came along and no more back alley abortions. Abortions were done in a sterile room. Safer for the women. Before parents were embarrassed that their daughters were pregnant and not married. They would ask their daughters to leave or send them to an aunt who lived nearby. Everything was hush, hush. We are going backwards not forwards. I am sad.

    1. I agree with you about going backwards, which I think was actually a goal of MAGA. Sad policy for all.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.