Sunday, July 10, 2022

Garden tour this weekend, House One


On Tuesday I was driving along Church Street (or some other name that's connected to it) and took this shot through my window. If ever a garden looked ready for a garden tour, this is the one!

I will have gone touring through (I think) six different gardens on Fri. morning (hoping it doesn't rain!)

So I'll add those photos here also...right now is Tuesday night.

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon (after nap also). Whew, walking around beautiful gardens at 6 different locations was exhausting. But we did have a good time! And that little house above pictured wasn't one of them!

An old friend from my pottery studio days, Teresa and her husband have a beautiful home on quite a slope, and have done marvels with it's garden.

One of the lilies which were interspersed with lots of seasonal pollinators, which reseed themselves.

My recording reminds me this is Lollypop Verbena!
The reseeding goes everywhere, including the driveway!

More Lilies with Black Eyed Susans, which definitely take over areas!


A kind of coreopsis.

This is the map and description of the garden, as posted by the Black Mountain Center for the Arts

Each garden had artists (one or two) painting the beautiful flowers. They were very friendly and let me take their photos too.

Cone flowers
Teresa offered seeds to my friend when they were talking about how the tall Black Eyed Susans just reseed each year. How wonderful to have flowers that aren't hybrids!

This is the way the photos came out of the camera. I don't have time to edit them. I actually started recording the names of the flowers after taking their photos. That lasted until I forgot to turn the recorder off and we got 10 minutes of chit chat!

Sharing with Living in Black Mountain. I'll post more gardens whenever I have open spaces in my schedule. Tee hee that sounds like I have a schedule. Go to the library. Watch a zoom education program. Go for a walk!

THANK YOU all the wonderful owners of these 6 gardens! They were beautiful!

And don't miss the floral art exhibit at the gallery...on my Art blog...HERE


  1. Beautiful gardens and flowers. Your garden tour sounds like a fun time. Have a great day and happy new week!

  2. That was a lovey garden walk there.

  3. What a lovely summer's day activity!

  4. So beautiful. Stone and flowers are a great combination.

  5. Good tour with some nice combinations.

  6. I love looking round gardens so I enjoyed exploring these with you.

  7. So beautiful to see. The flowers and the stone is a lovely match, very pretty.


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