Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Art in Bloom garden tour, house number 6

Do we need weapons to fight wars? Or do we need wars to create markets for weapons? -Arundhati Roy, author (b. 24 Nov 1961)

 This was the last house on our Garden Tour for 2022!

We had a wonderful parking place right in front of the home!

A very big flower bed!

Interesting old trees.


  1. Hello,
    Another lovely garden tour, it is neat seeing the artists at work. Beautiful flowers and trees.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. And starting this week, all the artist's works will be hung in the Black Mountain Center for the Arts gallery!

  2. ...it's interesting to see the tomatillos in the last picture. Lets made some salsa.

    1. They are just such interesting shapes...and there are enough of them for many salsas to come!

  3. Replies
    1. By the time I got home (this was all a Friday outing) I tried to start sorting the photos. My friend wasn't able to help me, and I had to figure out which batch went to which garden. It took several days.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Robin...it was great to see all the work these 6 homes had put into their gardens!

  5. I love that: 'do not park on plants or grass!' Lovely gardens.

  6. Another wonderful garden tour. I love how they have an artist painting at these events, it's nice to be able to see them creating.

    1. I hope to go to the gallery in town and see all the paintings created at the gardens, apparently 20 or so artists worked on them!

  7. Barbara, My better half loves to visit places like this. We do have a couple of similar events around here every year. My mother, half brother and stepfather got all the artistic abilities in the family...but at least I have a lot of their works. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I enjoyed seeing and taking photos...after I figured out I'd really not remember any of the flowers names!

  8. I really like how they did their vegetable garden. I remember going on a garden tour with my mother once and there were some spectacular gardens. Inspiring to both of us at the time.

    1. That's what garden tours are all about, I think...coming home inspired one way or another!

  9. I'm so glad that some people have the interest and energy to create such beauty for the rest of us to enjoy. It would be a dreary world without gardens.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.