Sunday, June 19, 2022

The mural Update:


On the evening of June 16 I drove by and noticed the white has returned...and looks like snowcapped mountains! Much better, says I.

If they work on it Friday, or Saturday...I'll add more photos. I may have to park one of these days, rather than slowing down and clicking these "on the run pass-by shots."

The update follows. A semi truck was patient as I stopped before the front of the line...being first at the red light. What difference did it make? Well, the phone misbehaved, and kept giving me a movie, so I took 6 seconds...and tried again for a photo. Finally made a screen shot, sent it to myself, and of course drove home. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022  Looks like a bit of work on the figures. And a filled in background of another turquoise, which I prefer!


  1. Replies
    1. There are just a few of these bright yellow flowers with the folded edges.

  2. Love the mural and your header! Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...for some reason, your comments are among those that don't publish automatically and I have to check off that they are ok to publish! Glad to hear from you anyway!

  3. I love watching this mural progress like this. It's beautiful.

    1. Glad to share it. And so glad to find you comment which was not automatically published, but just listed among those that were, and then I could check the check mark, and you're in again! I will have to drive by every day until it's finished now!!

  4. Love your new header. I think the white on the mountain looks good, does remind you of snow.

    1. I am enjoying the changes, and so far have been lucky with the traffic behind me. Perhaps one more "rolling" photo...then I think I will have to start parking!

  5. It’s coming along nicely. I now await with bated breath. 🤓


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.