Friday, June 24, 2022

Just some views of a beautiful spot


Following a nicely paved road (I think called Mills River Rd) which has a yellow line down the center until we cam to this one car at a time overpass. I slowed down, and then crept slowly through the one way space. Since there were lots of other cars and trucks going both ways, I had good reason to go slowly, figuring they might be doing the same (hopefully) if anyone was coming from the other side.

Nice to have some picnic tables around...and some that were in the shade were already occupied!

There it was, Andrew's Geyser! It certainly was shooting up some water, which is apparently gravity fed from a pipe with a cutoff further up the mountain.

The pool needed cleaning!

Then there was this strange cloud overhead! So we're sharing this with SkyWatch Friday!

All along the roadside had been a small river, which the road crossed several times. I bet it would have been nice to put our feet in that! Yep, this was an 86 degree afternoon.

Before leaving, once again I took a photo of the description of the battle of the Civil War which was fought, or maybe avoided, near here.

That fence at the top of the hill denotes where the train will run on it's several trips through these mountains from Old Fort to Asheville...starting much further east.

I missed seeing the plaque in honor of this land having been Native American territory before the European people arrived. 

After you devote one day to opening your eyes more fully to the beauty of nature, you may want to make this part of your daily routine. Each day drink from the beauty all around you, and allow it to rejuvenate your entire being. All you have to do is pause, for just one minute, and really take it in, remembering to thank Mother Nature for her beauty. 

Daily Om


  1. Nothing wrong with views of beautiful places. That's an impressive fountain.

  2. Pretty views of the fountain and sky! Take care, have a great day!

  3. That is a great cloud, and fountain!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country , ON, Canada!

  4. We have a similar railway bridge. They’ve made it into a one-way underneath this year,

  5. You had quite a beautiful day there. Love that cloud photo!

  6. Pretty location with an interesting civil war history. I like the geyser!

  7. Beautiful spot!!! You are right, we need to notice and appreciate nature!!

  8. Barbara, There are a couple of roads like that around here too and there was one near my mother's house in southern Michigan, but it had been tagged with graffiti so much it was truly ugly. Nice little park with its geyser... You'd mentioned re: my latest post that you frequently have breakfast for dinner but never the reverse. I love cold leftover pizza or a sandwich made from the previous night's dinner...for breakfast. My spouse thinks its gross... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  9. That is a beautiful spot. I like the fountain, it creates a great spot to sit and listen.

  10. Oh my gosh! The clouds above the fountain the day you were visiting were totally awesome. Drinking in nature's beauty daily is my goal. Sometimes, I miss out but try not to.

  11. Interesting. Kind of sad that men were fighting and dying although the war was basically over.


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