Friday, June 17, 2022

Day Trip: Sylva NC

 Trip shared by 3 friends last of our "day trips" which wasn't too long, and included our main interest...namely used books stores.

We left home around 9:30 am, hoping to have time to shop and drive both ways, as well as have lunch in Sylva, NC.

The hospital in Sylva.  For Skywatch Friday.

It's about an hour drive from Black Mountain where we all live, and my friend asked me to drive her hybrid Toyota, which I was glad to do. She doesn't mind driving on highways, but prefers to not have to park in towns. And often we would change drivers just so I could park her sweet little car.

Anyway, I was driving. And when we got to Sylva, we drove down the main street with shops...and parked near a used books store. We spent a little while there, and I came out with a couple of books. We walked along and would just choose places that looked interesting to shop in...and there were several interesting stores! But also there were a couple closed on Mon. I never like that kind of place.

As everyone knows, last Mon. was the first of our 99 degree days, so we were glad to be walking in the shade most of the time...and also were glad we got there a bit early!

That may be the car I drove, the white Toyota down in the lower right corner. But I mainly wanted a photo of the office of a newspaper!

We were astonished that their Friends of the Library have a whole bookstore of used books! They had just one rack of new books.

I was looking for some favorite authors...but hadn't figured out the correct name for a woman who writes novels as if she was Sherlock Holmes' wife...and then I saw one shelf labeled "Sherlock Holmes wanta-bes" and there was Laurie R. I did purchase it for $2.50. I also found another book in mint condition to give to a relative!

My friend (in blue here) usually works Tues-Sat. so we had chosen this Mon. when she could come with us.

More of our Sylva adventures on another post (I know I sometime jam 10 photos into one post, and I know you all just zoom quickly through them.

Today's quote (Yes another Einstein one...eventually I'll have used up my collection)
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”


  1. ...I don't like diagonal parking either!

    1. It was always hard to back out when a huge truck was next to us...fortunately one of us was the watcher in the back seat!

  2. I like used bookstores. Our libraries have books for sale too. In the smaller branches it might be a couple of book cases, in the big ones it's a designated area.

    1. Yes, there are areas in our libraries with some books for sale well as huge fair-like sales with boxes of them on tables taking up a whole room. But they're not sorted at all. This store was very well arranged!

  3. Hello,
    I would love to explore the book store. Sounds like a fun trip with your friends. Take care, have a happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for commenting Eileen. Somehow your comments are not automatically publishing yet, so I have to go looking for them. I enjoyed the bookstores!

  4. Random shopping in a very hot day doesn’t seem at all appealing to me, but I guess if you have a long, hot summer, you’ve got to get out sometime.

    1. When we scheduled our outing we had no idea what the weather might bring...and by noon we were eating lunch inside.

  5. Our town shuts down Mondays in winter and the shoulder seasons. We keep forgetting!
    I like old books!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. We three had that love of books in common. I'm less of a shopper in general stores, so was glad to skip that part if I could find a seat somewhere!

  6. You'd enjoy Cambridge - full of second-hand book shops, kept well stocked by university students running out of cash at the end of term. It's in the 90s here today, but it's only going to be for one day, according to the weather forecasters.

    1. There are a lot of people complaining about the heat. I have little to go out for during the midday heat. I would love used bookstores in Cambridge.

  7. I love that you take journeys like this and go to used bookstores. 99 degrees is crazy hot!

    1. These hot days it's a good idea to have inside pursuits if you can. It is so fun to go places, and my friend's car is much more economical than mine!

  8. Hi Barbara, Small world isn't it! My very next post is all about Sylva NC. It will go out on Tuesday morning... It was a much prettier day when you visited...just ok when we were there. Interesting little town for sure. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Ha ha ha! Small world indeed! You coming from E. TN and me from WNC (east Tennessee and Western North Carolina) but a week apart! We need to coordinate better! But I only have one more post for this day trip, so I will schedule it on Tues too, just so folks who read both of our blogs will be SO FULL of Sylva!

  9. I love a road trip, especially when book stores are involved.

    1. That's what bound us friends all together for this trip!

  10. I see a Z in your beautiful sky photo! Used book stores seem to be going the way of 8 track tapes... I love them, but there aren't many left anymore, which is sad.

    1. Oh no, there are lots of them in my area (perhaps because lots of retired folks live here?) so you can certainly find a few in almost all towns.

  11. Great idea for recycling books.

    1. There's one in Asheville where you get credits when you bring in books, to use when you purchase other books. It keeps them pretty well stocked!

  12. I LOVE Laurie R. King's Holmes/Russell books! I'm rereading the series now--Locked Rooms. I think you'll enjoy them more if you begin at the beginning THE BEEKEEPER" APPRENTICE.

    1. I agree, but fortunately this is my 3rd or 4th time, and the only one that store had was "Games." I do have fond memories of The Beekeeper Apprentice. Oh what fun they had...which I adore to read about in "who done its!"

  13. Book stores are one of my favorite places to shop.

    1. I'm thinking it's right up there maybe next to my love of learning about my ancestors. They are kind of like fictional characters, who I'd like to add enough real information to that I can see something of their actual lives.


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