Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Day trip, part 2 Sylva NC

 I just found out (from Big Dave) that today he's also posting about his visit to Sylva a few weeks back. So check out his post too...HERE. (PS he usually shows photos of the food they eat also.)

I somehow didn't take photos of our favorite bookstore, used and new. City Lights, Sylva.

We not only enjoyed browsing, and petting the store cat, but ate a delightful lunch downstairs in the restaurant. These two signs were on our table along with condiments.

On line I found their Tee-Shirt design.

The restaurant does have outdoor seating, but this was one of those 90+ degree days, so we opted to eat inside. It wasn't very crowded.

Earlier I'd taken a break in the Farmhouse coffee shop, and didn't even have any coffee!

It was a peaceful place, with little two-somes along one wall...neat lighting elsewhere...and the barndoor led into the furniture and furnishings store.

My friends are more interested in shopping, always thinking of gifts. I preferred waiting for them and catching up on emails!

I guess you have to be right across the street from the Easter Island head...or walking on that side of the main street.

Since it was in the 90s by the time we left, we chose to go look at chocolates just before leaving.

There's really nothing better than hand made chocolates. I parched out my 4 over 3 days, but one day I had to eat 2...at different times. I chose cat paws with sea salt, dark chocolate. They were like flatter turtles.

This was my last cat paw. Oh what yummy memories!

Today's quote:
"I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care about money. Decorations, titles or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. I claim credit for nothing. A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future."
And that's the last quote from Einstein.


  1. Hello, the shops looks so cute. My hubby would like some homemade chocolates. I like to explore the bookstores. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen...glad your comment went through without being in the "check box limbo" today! Guess you and your hubby would enjoy the Sylva shops, though different.

  2. You do seem to have such very nice shops and such down your way.

    1. Thanks...there are always places to visit in these small towns.

  3. ...a fabulous destination, thanks for taking me along.

  4. Barb, thank you for sharing your fabulous day with us. I so wish we had such a bookstore here. Happy Litha/Midsummer

    1. Thanks Cate...Every town needs a used bookstore, in my mind. Black Mountain no longer has one, but at least has some books in a nice stationer's store, Sassafras. Happy Litha to you!

  5. What a lovely day you had there. I was so surprised to see a bookstore there named City Lights. I thought there was the one and only in San Francisco.

    1. I don't know when I got them straightened out in my mind. Of course this one says City Lights Sylva. It's a good place.

  6. Barbara, Funny that both of us photographed that Easter Island sculpture... I failed to take indoor photos of any of the stores but you made up for it. I was too busy with my camera outside. That coffee shop looks great. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks Dave...I just want to know, did you look up the sites before seeing them, or afterwards? I just happened upon that Easter Island sculpture. We have visited (during plague times) one of the spring festivals...but I think it wasn't up to parr. Also Sylva has become the new home of the big Western Carolina Potter's Show...in Nov. I may go see this year's.

  7. Seems like a nice "little get away for a bit" sort of town. Did you purchase any books?

    1. Oh yes...the Laurie R. King one about Sherlock and his wife Mary...and a Christmas gift one. I think each of my friends also picked up some books.

  8. What a delightful spot! I love the brick wall in the restaurant!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country , ON, Canada!

    1. It was very nice, and maybe I'll consider having a stop for a cuppa the next time I visit.

  9. Hi Barbara
    This looks like a nice place to go shopping and habve lunch--a fun day out! The chocolates look divine. There is a famous City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco that all The Beat writers used to visit. It is also a fabulous place to visit.

    1. Strangely enough I found this City Lights Bookstore before learning about the one in SF, for which it probably was named. I had read several of the authors who hung out there, as well as the famous owner.

  10. Sylva is a charming little town. And City Lights is a wonderful bookstore.

    1. And I believe you've done a reading/book signing there too! We love our independent bookstores!

  11. That restaurant deserves all the credit that can be heaped upon it. If I lived locally I would support it.


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