Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Arboretum joys

I have limited stamina for walking about. But I do keep on going as best I can.

Our trip to the Arboretum last week started with a few "oh No's" which then changed to "I think I can's" and then a few "Thank the Goddess's"  An event was being held in the lower parking area...lot of tents and we learned there was a plant sale. But we had wanted to park there, being the closest to the gardens.

We looked briefly at the auxiliary parking lot, much further away. We even drove through it and came back out hoping we could find something better...we even said if we could find a handicapped spot we'd be willing to pay the fine (well I was willing to pay half of it!) My friend also offered to drop me off and then come back and park.

But we continued to drive around to look at the lot closest to the gardens which was not being used for the plant sale. There were the empty handicap spots. And then just two spaces down, there was an empty slot. We were ecstatic!  My friend mentioned how she knew someone who could always find parking places. I said I was so very thankful we had been able to do so!

We liked how these plants started with green leaves and stems, then switched to this purple farther up when blooming!

We had missed the indoor display on Frederick Law were glad to read this little sketch of his landscape designs. He designed our local Biltmore estate gardens as well as Central Park in NY.

There were just 3 plants in the quilt garden. They were not very bright in their blooms, which we attributed to the heavy rains all the day before our visit.

The quilt garden from the look out.

Looking back up to the lookout above the quilt garden.

The roses had really been tattered by the rain. I found a bud that was pretty though.

Scratching my head about this why did I take this?

Today's quotes - more from Albert Einstein!

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

“We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”


  1. ...Frederick Law Olmsted left his mark on America.

    1. And when I lived in Florida, I encountered another kind of landscape architect. They design many a subdivision's entrance, making them look like golf courses (yet another landscaper's dream.)

  2. That was a lovely place to visit.

    1. It certainly is...and I hope to go back to see the areas I skipped on this visit!

  3. I'm so glad you found a good parking space and were able to walk around this beautiful Arboretum.

    1. Thanks was a wonderful time, and I really pushed myself to see all we did. It's always embarrassing that my friend who is 4 years older than I am isn't as worn out as myself.

  4. I am reminded that I must text Shauna to see if she can drive me to the garage to pick up the car this afternoon.

    1. I guess the parking space episode reminded you of that car thing.

  5. Replies
    1. I am always happy to have a good ending of efforts, no matter how small!

  6. You took the last photo of the spiderwort for the gorgeous purple! (and the little yellow anthers are so cute!)

    1. Well noticed! I would have really enjoyed finding it growing in wild places...but it was also sweet in the organized beds.

  7. Pretty! I usually have “parking karma.”


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.