Monday, May 9, 2022

The porch geranium


I've never tried this deep red variety. But I liked the way it looked, so bought 2 plants, and then scrunched them into one hanging pot. 

Tomorrow I need to go get some more flowers, to use all those empty pots that are sitting around looking junky!

I actually have a tiny balcony full of the empty pots...and am bringing them out and repotting the new flowers and herbs slowly for both the railing of the balcony (full shade) and the porch (partial sun).

Today's quote:

Why do you insist the universe is not a conscious intelligence,
when it gives birth to conscious intelligence?

—Ciceroc. 44 BCE


  1. Hello,
    The geranium is pretty, a lovely color. Have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. Same wishes for you, after your lovely light house post this morning. Keep on taking those beautiful photos!

  2. That is a gorgeous red. Happy gardening or potting or whatever we should call it.

    1. I think this is probably porch or container gardening.

  3. Your porch geranium is beautiful. Such a rich red color.

  4. We are to have temps in the 80s this week. I think I'll finally be able to purchase some annuals to pot up. I'll look for those geraniums. I like that deep red color you found.

    1. I'm glad today we will get to 71 (per forecast) and maybe 78 later in the week. I've heard Ohio is due for 80s and has already had a hot week. Topsy turvy temps!

  5. Beautiful! I'm taking my geranium outside now too.

    1. Execllent...this week should be when I finish up working on potted plants...but then I usually think of something else to do as the summer goes along!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.